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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Top, primary weapon of Jews is that Fed COUNTERFEITING, again....

Below essay by ap first published at comments,

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Topmost Practical Weapon Of Jews & Cohorts: That Fed COUNTERFEIT Machine
(Apollonian, 15 Feb 14)

Hello John: listened to ur debate/discussion along w. Fetzer and Mike C. Piper--I think u came out best even though u arrived a little late to the show--good job.

I think all gentiles can well unite in alliance against the Jews and their cohorts which they recruit fm among all the races--we can well emulate heroic St. Constantine the Great and revive our present moribund civilization, much like Constantine did for early 4th cent. Roman civilization, even though that revival was too brief, esp. in the West.

Note the Jews work by keeping the gentiles fighting one another--that's why we should resist and oppose those who try to dis-credit Dieudonne because he's black--as we can observe fm this comment section.

Aside fm the cultural confusion the Jews take advantage of, the greatest practical weapon the Jews have is their money-creating machine, the US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed)--see for best expo on Fed fraud--which is literally just legalized COUNTERFEITING, by which they buy everything and everybody w. only few exceptions.

But then of course, Jews and agents will insert dis-info agents for proposing other monetary schemes which will also fail--and it will then require a basic understanding of what money really is--it's got to be commodity, gold/silver being best.

Still, we have solid examples to look to for guidance for economic prosperity--like the early US, even w. it's own troubles w. fiat-money and fractional-reserve system like the 1st and 2nd Bank of US, finally killed by heroic Andrew Jackson.

Basic problem w. Jews, of course, is their anti-Christ and satanic religion--Talmudism--which demands Jews be worshipped by gentiles as God, gentiles mere slaves and beasts for use of Jews--ck and for best Talmudic expo.

So thanks for all ur efforts, John; keep up ur good work. A.

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