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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Is Alex Jones ( "sincere"?--sure, why not?--even if he has problemos--patriots don't all have to agree on every little thing, u know

Below essay by ap first published at

Alex Jones ( is Jew-friendly, without a doubt, BUT it doesn't mean he isn't sincere in his way, opposing ZOG to best of his ability--even though, of course, Alex wouldn't call it "ZOG."  Opponents of dictatorship don't all have to love one another and believe exact same stuff.

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 /  February 6, 2014

Alex Jones: “Only Game In Town,” Presently
(Apollonian, 6 Feb 14)

Tim: do u understand what the Fed is and does?–it prints-up and also digitalizes “money”–actually, paper notes (like IOUs) and digitalized equivalents–which are then used as “legal-tender,” as if they’re real money. Fed is literally legalized COUNTERFEITING–when u have this power u can buy anything and everyone, w. only few exceptions.

To gain control of a culture, nation, etc., nothing works like “central banking” which thus legally COUNTERFEITS the so-called “money-supply.” Any dictatorship isn’t complete without this legalized COUNTERFEITING which allows for taxation without the people’s consent (by means of “inflation”) and almost un-limited spending.

Real “money” is commodity, w. its own value on the market and finite in supply–it doesn’t have to be gold, but gold and silver are the best commodities for use as money.

The money standard isn’t a matter of fiat (human whim)–it follows the natural law and science. And the only honest money is commodity money, gold and silver being best.

Even if the Jews own most of the gold they’ll still have to eventually spend it into circulation if they want real stuff. If Jews try to keep gold out of circulation, (a) some other commodity will be used as standard, and (b) the value of gold will get so high that Jews will eventually be impelled to spend it. And those who produce the most desired products will have the ability to command the exchange for it in terms of gold.

Tim, “arg.-ad-hominem” is NOT “guilt-by-association.” “Ad hominem” means against the man/person, and the fallacy operates by substituting the argument against the opponent’s argument to AGAINST THE OPPONENT himself (“ad hominem”). Like if I can’t handle ur arguments, I attack u, personally, trying for example, to bring up something about u, like saying “Tim was accused of child-molesting back in 1957,” using this attack against u personally as substitute for handling ur actual argument.

I also disagree Ron Paul is false opposition–u gotta remember Paul can only go so far, as ZOG will kill and assassinate those they can’t handle any other way–that’s how Alex Jones ( gets by. Jones, like the Pauls and Jesse Ventura, have their Jew-connections which they hope will protect them, as well as providing some funding.

I agree Jones is “intelligent,” but he’s sincere, though foolish regarding Jews being “good people”–I’ve seen this in lots of people who are otherwise sincere and “intelligent.”

I think u forget GENTILES HAVE LOST THE WAR–Jews rule. And presently it’s much a matter of supporting one group of Jew-connected faction against the currently prevailing gang, whoever they might be. That’s how I see Jones–he’s a Jewwy suck-along, but for PRACTICAL PURPOSES “the only game in town,” given alternatives and circumstances.

At this pt. in the great cultural conflict, patriots can’t so much do what they WANT to doing as what THEY HAVE TO DO, according to the difficult circumstances.

---------------------------above by ap in response to below---------------------------

Timothy Fitzpatrick

 /  February 5, 2014
End the Fed is a dead end. Auditing or abolishing the fed will not hinder the money changers. A gold standard is not the answer, especially considering who owns most of the world’s gold. Do you see why Alex Jones has made this half-baked pursuit his ultimate goal? It creates the illusion that he is doing something, and that his listeners’ monetary support is helping him achieve this end. Ron Paul is false opposition as well. Alex Jones is a master hypnotist…an extremely intelligent man who puts up the pretense of being a willful commoner just trying to help humanity. I’ve been monitoring Alex Jones since the 1990s. These are my observations through careful study. He perfects his craft through an extremely controlled environment. Why do you think he doesn’t speak in public as much as he used to? He knows people are on to him. He got shown up at the gun rally in Austin big time. Since then, he has gone out of his way to avoid public demonstrations.

1 comment:

  1. Below by ap first published in comments,

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    apollonian / February 6, 2014

    [CENTER][SIZE="5"]What Are Patriots To Do?–Must All Agree In Every Detail?
    (Apollonian, 6 Feb 14)[/SIZE][/CENTER]

    Like I say: JEWS HAVE ALREADY WON–we’re in position of merely trying to survive and come-back, doing our best. Jones is much the ONLY GAME IN TOWN as I describe, above–that’s how I think. Thus I make use of Jones and Pauls, and their info, to work against the top establishment.

    For note US Dollar is going to collapse–it’s in that process already–this will be, and is, an opportunity to move against ZOG.

    So what are u telling us, Tim?–that patriots all have to agree w. perfect exactitude? I rather think there are lots of patriots, not always seeing eye-to-eye w. one another, most of them on their own, all doing their best to resist, etc. Best way to organize is on same Christian basis as demonstrated by St. Constantine the Great back in 4th cent.

    Jones, the Pauls, and Jesse Ventura all do the best they can–like everyone does, actually. U SAY they’re “agents” for ZOG, but u don’t exactly demonstrate ur asserted thesis, u don’t say how in any detail.

    Watched the vid, cute girl, but she mostly seems to assert w. little actual demonstration.

    Jones “starred” in big-time Hollywood movie?–what movie was that?–u’ve got to fully demonstrate ur assertions to expect folks to go along w. u for overall movement.

    U say, “it’s time to wake up”–okay–but is there something specific to “wake-up” to (that we don’t already know about)?–and once we do that, what then?–what are we supposed to do? U may think we’re stupid, but nonetheless, u need to provide answers in detail.

    ---------------------------------above by ap in response to below----------------

    Timothy Fitzpatrick / February 6, 2014

    Do you think I would say that the End the Fed movement is a dead end without knowing how the Fed works? Give me some credit. Even G. Edward Griffin says the gold standard is not the answer. I am not claiming to have an answer, but I do know that the gold standard or bitcoin are not answers and will only hasten a cashless society. Ron Paul is another lemming who has done absolutely nothing. But go ahead and send your money to him. I am sure he has no objection to that. Jesse Ventura is a total shill. Loved it when he wore his Masonic jacket to the ring in his comeback to the WWE. Ventura is given a TV show in prime time to talk about conspiracies theories, and you think it’s legit? Jones has starred in Jewish Hollywood movies, and you think it’s no big deal and that he is legit?

    With all due respect, it’s time to wake up.

    As I said, Jones is a master hypnotist. Hypnotists use NLP techniques, neurolinguistic programming.
