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Friday, February 14, 2014

Tim Fitzpatrick CANNOT handle simple dialectic regarding Alex Jones ( says Jones is conscious, deliberate traitor--I say no, he's just dupe

Well, I got censored over at at

This, just below, is what I was told:

Timothy Fitzpatrick

 /  February 11, 2014
You’re obviously not ready to give up the Kool Aid. His entertainment value, and that’s the only value he has, means too much to you. In a few years, when the novelty has worn off and you can’t stand his lying anymore (this happens to many people), feel free to come back with an open mind. Your defeatist attitude “Jews have already won” is something that can only have been reaffirmed to you by Jones and his hypnotism.

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Tim was talking about Alex Jones (, and what's he (Tim) talking about regarding "kool aid"?  Tim wants to say Jones is conscious, deliberate TRAITOR, which I deny.  I'm willing to allow Jones may well be dupe--a willing dupe--but I deny he's deliberate, willing traitor, and for this, I'm told I've been drinking Jones' "kool-aid."

Alex can be funny--esp. when he goes into his mimicry of various characters--he's quite good, actually, but I made it clear I like Jones for his genuine info and ability to analyze things, for which he's talented, un-questionably.

Then Tim says I'm "defeatist" for being realistic and honest, pt-ing out Jews have won the cultural battle, ZOG being currently, entrenched, incumbent power.

Tim then deleted my entry, given just below, and he also deleted at least one other, earlier entry I'd made too.  Later I'll print-out the entire dialectic in comments section.  But for now, here's what I'd posted which got deleted:

Logic & Evidence Extremely Important At This Stage
(Apollonian, 11 Feb 14)

Well Tim, if Violet says she's Christian, it's possible, isn't it?--after all, she may genuinely think she's Christian, eh?  Then u say, "she's J. revolutionary, through and through"--this is typical of u--do u say this is "evidence" or mere assertion of urs?--this is an assertion, like a lot of ur statements.  Tim u gotta face it; u still MIGHT be right, BUT u haven't proven ur theses.  When u say Violet is a "Jewish revolutionary," this is a conclusion, for which u need the definitive minor premise, which stands by itself, which u don't have and don't present.

Jones a "terrorist"?--u say RASH things (which MIGHT be true, to be sure, maybe), and u imagine everyone else should think like u.  I don't blame u, but u should consider our pt. of view too.  U need the minor premise for ur proffered conclusion in many of ur statements.

I do read ur articles, and I do do my own research--maybe I'm just not smart as u, but u shouldn't hold that too much against me, for I try, don't doubt.  That's what must count most--people TRYING--regardless how successful.

I submit Jones is one of those, who is truly intelligent, but who fools himself--he makes sooooooooooo much moola fm those Jews, he WANTS to believe they're "good" Jews.  Lots of Jews believe they're good--they're experts at LYING, including lying to themselves, see?

Instead of telling us to read this and read that, and ck links--just tell us, straight-out--what's ur evidence--it ought to be pretty straight-forward and simple.

But Tim, u're evidently using an inductive -type of method, lots of little things and details and items, NONE of them conclusive in themselves, but added-up might very well mean something significant.  But if u have something that's conclusive, tell us--u don't do this.

And again and again, and yet again--u've done this at least 3 or 4 times now--u IGNORE my statement that Jews have won--we're now just trying to come-back.  And Jones is practically "only game in town" for patriot purposes--for lots and lots of people, Tim, which u should respect, they not being as smart as u--u don't consider this, do u?

But simply as military analyst, I guarantee it would be horrific mistake to try to remove Jones (if, as u say, he's such a devil)--he's MUCH TOOOOOOOOOOOO effective against the top, presently-ruling powers--he does a great job as I've noted, even though he doesn't come all the way out to name the Jews--he does EVERYTHING ELSE quite well, pointing out many telling and significant things about the regime, regardless that they're Jews--this gets people to thinking, and this thinking is good.

Like I say, u should face the reality: Jews have won, and u need to be most careful for ur logic and mode of proof and evidence; u're not as water-tight for proof and evidence as u insist--otherwise why would u be insisting as u do?  If u had real, sure-fire evidence, then we'd be on defense much more than we are for not going along w. u, eh?

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