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Thursday, February 27, 2014

Mike Hoffman II is such a scummy Pharisaic, he needs to getting a clue--apster does the job

Below essay by ap first submitted (not necessarily published) at

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Justice Requires Forthright War Against Jew And Other Psychopaths
(Apollonian, 27 Feb 14)

Hoffman: what u are is a Pharisaic, pretending u understand Christianity--u don't, not even in the slightest.  For dear Christianity is profoundly rational--which u don't seem to understand.

Irony is u understand Judaism/Talmudism quite well--I know, as I've read ur books and recommend them to everyone I know.

And u're pathetic when it comes to money & banking too, which is why u really should withdraw ur latest work on usury for reasons I've already made clear for u.  But go ahead and keep ur book (on usury) circulating and embarrass urself.  Pity is that people will extrapolate ur ignorance to ur genuinely good works on Talmudism.

And as a Pharisaic, Hoffman, u're actually a TRAITOR to all gentiles and the good Christian volk, u too willing to overlook and ignore the war Jews wage against gentiles and esp. Christians.

Jews judge Christians and gentiles collectivistically, but u traitorously insist gentiles must judge Jews as individuals.

Justice requires Christians and gentiles reciprocating and waging war against Jews--this is true justice which God would surely approve.

Get this straight, Hoffman, Christ is TRUTH, in accord w. Gosp. JOHN 14:6, the only way to Godly happiness.  And "faith" is simply LOYALTY, nothing else.  Thus Christianity is sublimely rational, and there is NO "evil"--only insanity--for everyone does best he/she can, and no one is perfect in eyes of God, no, not one, according to St. Paul.

There is no "good Jew," Hoffman, for any good person of Jew race must repudiate the filthy Talmud, and gentiles are justified for not allowing any person of Jew race, regardless of any "conversion," to hold office, vote, or even to reproducing.

Justice and proper loyal regard and respect for humanity requires war against Judaism and hence all who profess pride in being Jew.

U ought to think carefully, Hoffman, for the penalty for treason is nothing to sneeze at, and a self-righteous, traitorous Pharisee is precisely what u are and nothing but, buddy.

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