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Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Is homosexual perversion "natural'?--ho hoo ho, yes, I guess, when u think of it in terms of CYCLIC "Decline of West," by Spengler

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Homosexual Perversion Natural To "Decline Of West," By Spengler
(Apollonian, 12 Feb 14)

TJB (see below): note homosexuality & irrationalism (they go together) is quite understandable in socio-biologic (deterministic) terms when u consider the Spenglerian, CYCLIC "Decline of the West" and it's necessary progress, such as it is.

Thus the original culture arises as people are HONEST and objectivistically-oriented (Aristotle), but as the culture advances in military victory and prosperity, it breeds up generations of spoiled brats (as we see) who didn't have to fight and struggle for what they now have, provided by earlier, more intrepid generations.

Thus the evermore corrupted culture falls-away fm honesty, objectivity (Aristotle) and begins to adopt the wishful-thinking and HUBRIS of SUBJECTIVISM, and this esp. in form of Pharisaism-moralism (Immanuel Kant, especially) whence the corrupt suckers of the society pretend to HUBRIS, "good-evil" and the perfectly "free" human will--we see this in the Roman example, and now in the West, as so brilliantly and definitively described and exposited by Oswald Spengler.

Thus, if u think of society as a biologic sort of organism or super-organism, u see the very same process of Aristotelian-styled "GENERATION AND CORRUPTION."

Thus in USA, for example, u first see the definitive and horrific destruction of US Constitution in US "Civil War," whence Lincoln mass-murdered nearly a million white citizens of the south, plains Indians were next on the list of ruthless extermination, explicit imperialism ensued in Spanish-American war of 1898.

This destruction of the rational culture was then confirmed in 1913 w. passage of US Federal Reserve Act which set up literal, legalized COUNTERFEITING of the money-supply, the definitive enthronement of a criminal class as overlords, this rapidly moving, as we see presently, to total world domination and dictatorship of United Nations, IMF, NAFTA, etc.--now moving to explicit GENOCIDE of AGENDA-21 "population-reduction" and, as we see here in USA, ObongoCare death-panels, not to mention the on-going slow-kill mass-murder of the people by means of poison fluoride in water-supplies, toxic vaccines, GMO poison foods and additives, forced drugging of population, poison "chem-trails," not to mention the horrific radiation-poisoning of depleted-uranium weapons--which kills our own troops--and Fukushima.

So when u understand the Aristotelian, objective, hence determinist nature of reality in general, u then see how things happen and manifest more particularly in definitive CYCLIC mode, historically, as noted by one of the great geniuses, Oswald Spengler--thus u see the part played by irrationalism-as-fashion, esp. in way of homosexual perversion, destruction of family and humanity, etc. as evident before our very eyes.

---------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

T. J. Babson said, on February 12, 2014 at 9:17 am
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Mike, are you aware of any sociobiological basis for homosexuality?

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