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Friday, February 21, 2014

"Hatred"?--so what's the problem w. the state prosecuting such subjective impression, encouraging PREJUDICE against anyone suspected of "hate"?

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What's Really Wrong With "Hatred"?--NOTHING
(Apollonian, 21 Feb 14)

Note also the implications of "hatred"--what actually is "hatred"?--and don't people have a right to hate whatever they please?--isn't the only proper legal proscription against actions, not emotions like "hate"?

For isn't hatred mere reciprocal of love?--and if one doesn't hate, then one cannot love.  For if one loves something, one must necessarily hate the anti-thesis.  To out-law hate is to out-law love.

Further, isn't "hatred," as an emotion, something subjective?--and how is it someone can be held liable for something that's subjectively imputed by someone else?--this someone else obviously anti-pathetic, hence obviously prejudiced against, hence obviously hateful towards the original someone accused of hatred.

Such then is the gross degeneration of USA, originally founded upon clear, rational principles, now utterly overthrown within irrationalism, satanism, the empire-of-lies, culture of death-worship, ObongoCare death-panels and AGENDA-21 genocide, as we plainly see before our very eyes.

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