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Saturday, February 1, 2014

Americans gross, horrific VICTIMS of BIG-LIES presently inundating USA

Below by ap first published at

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Americans: Gross VICTIMS To A Series Of BIG-LIES, In-Ur-Face
(Apollonian, 1 Feb 14)

It occurs to me there's a more specific diagnosis for the American and Western problem, within the general Spenglerian "Decline of the West."

Observe Americans, though not all, but far too many, are so absolutely mystified, fascinated, and HYPNOTIZED--literally "charmed"--by the series of huge BIG-LIES that have been imposed and laid upon them, esp. by means of the mass-corp. "news"-media and entertainment.

For what is "global-warming" or, as it's now called, "climate-change"?--NOTHING but a huge BIG-LIE, that's all--it's elaborate, and there's lots of details to it, esp. when one considers the various components, like the B.S. about carbon dioxide, etc., but all put-together it's overall, it's just a huge, idiotic, brainless BIG-LIE in order to induce hysteria and fear, the rationale for more taxes and dictatorship, like esp. AGENDA-21, featuring "population reduction," anti-humanity and genocide.

Look at Obama himself--a huge, gross imposter who's not even a natural-born citizen--who gets the Nobel Peace Prize, no less, ho ho ho ho.  And Obama's real father is probably the communist, Frank Marshall Davis--just another little tid-bit for this huge BIG-LIE.

What are American elections?--just a huge BIG-LIE which involves "electronic voting," which is obvious fraud.  What was the Sandy Hook supposed "massacre"?--just another huge, elaborate BIG-LIE--as was the Boston Marathon bombing.

Note then HOW the Big-Lie works--the lies are so massive and monstrous in their way that people actually understand and grasp the enormity of it all, BUT they don't want to face-up to the idea, the possibility that they're LIES--"no, no," they say, "it couldn't be that (lies)."  Thus the suckers actually FOOL THEMSELVES--they cannot bear to think or imagine that they're being conned and deceived--"no, it couldn't be," they say to themselves.

And consider the simple enormity of the key big-lie, the US Federal Reserve Bank COUNTERFEIT scam which simply and literally just prints-up and digitalizes practically however much "money" needed and wanted to bribe, extort, or to assassinate all the politicians and judges, w. only few exceptions, totally owning and controlling all the corp.s, public edjumacation, and especially the establishment "Christian" churches.

BIG-LIE after big-lie after big-lie--HOW does it obtain?  Well, once u accept a little lie, u're willing to do it again, until finally u get to a big-lie, then another and another--AND THIS IS WHERE WE ARE NOW, as we listen to Obama announcing he's gonna start ruling by means of edict and dictat--and the congress gives him standing ovation, ho ho ho ho--and why not?--they've all been well-paid, haven't they?

And as long as the gov. can provide "bread & circuses," it all gets-by--SO FAR.

But never doubt, it all can be turned-around, and we have a magnificent example in St. Constantine the Great--it can and surely will happen as things, esp. economic, steadily get worse and evermore worse, like when US Dollar starts to seriously collapse--in which we're in beginning stages already.

Ultimate malefactors are the satanist genocides  behind the Fed machine and AGENDA-21, but the foremost cadre of accomplices, cohorts, and suck-alongs is surely the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) hereticalists who say Christ was Jew and support terror-state of Israel.  These JCs then must be confronted most directly.

For now, however, it's enough to pt. out the satanic technique: the gross series now of BIG-LIES people have allowed themselves to be subjected to.  Remember that real life is all about that basic Darwinian struggle noted in Christian New Testament, TRUTH (Christ) vs. lies (Gosp. JOHN 14:6 & 8:44).  And "conspiracy" is very much the proper theme, it being specifically detailed in original US Declaration of Independence and the New Test. conspiracy to kill Christ and truth.  Basic Christian inspiration is the key.

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