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Monday, February 10, 2014

Present horrific situation requires observing similar instance in CYCLIC hist.--that of St. Constantine the Great

Below by ap first published at comments,

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Follow Historic Example Of St. Constantine The Great For Serious Christian Revival
(Apollonian, 10 Feb 14)

Jack: I don't think much more could be said about the Fukushima situation, which u've described pretty well, basically, SOOOOOOOOO, I think best thing now is to putting it in context/perspective--the CYCLIC, "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

See, the corrupt, hubristic society, now over-populated due to the former success and "victory" of previous generations, has bred-up a bunch of perverts who've now abided Obongo-Care death-panels and AGENDA-21 "population-reduction" (genocide).

So, it seems a bunch of poor, stupid suckers gotta DIE, eh?--what else?  For at a certain pt. it's difficult to figure out what to do without someone having to take a bad fall.

Hence we can only look-back in hist. and observe fm a parallel instance, the declining Roman situation in early 4th cent. when heroic St. Constantine the Great revived and resuscitated--at least briefly--the otherwise moribund Roman empire at the time.

We have something of an advantage, perhaps, in the Christian under-current already well-established, BUT we see that it's terribly perverted by the hereticalist "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) traitors who follow the "neo-cons" and support terror-state of Israel, etc.

These JC hereticalists and traitors are the primary, immediate problem--these most deserving of ur well-expressed vitriol and denunciation u give in ur blog article, I submit.

Thus the situation requires a genuine effort specifically aimed at these hereticalists, and then further, towards the positive resuscitation of that basic Christian culture, Christianity, the REAL thing, only needing a re-definition for the grasping of it by enough of our fellow-citizens.

So we have to face-down our hereticalist opponents, I think, in a forceful and effective manner.  Pastor Carlson at does much for showing the way, I think, though I myself would be much more emphatic for exposing the satanist psychopaths, like the CFR, Trilateralists, and Bilderbergers who are openly working for "population-reduction" and genocide, as I note.

For one thing, I submit we have to acknowledge at the outset that Christianity is indeed anti-Semitic, which will be predictable and immediate protestation of satanists and opponents.  For Christianity, at root, is worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Christ), according to Gosp. JOHN 14:6, and against lies (JOHN 8:44).  Thus, observe Christianity actually upholds the Aristotelian objective reality, necessary basis, premise, and criterion for TRUTH, this against the lies of the Jews and associates, including esp. these JC cohorts, the single, strongest gentile political influence.

Thus we have to be capable of understanding Christian TRUTH, hence objectivity in contrast to Pharisaic SUBJECTIVISM and phony, hereticalist "good-evil" (Pelagianism), Pharisaic "good" the greatest enemy of Christian TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH.

This rationalist-inspired anti-Semitism, anti-Pharisaism may seem difficult, but it will become easier as economy continues to collapse and degenerate, never doubt.  Think of this necessary Christian campaign as similar to Pastor Carlson's, but more stream-lined and explicit in certain ways--Christianity understood in more emphatic philosophic terms, Christian objectivity against subjectivism and the "noble-lie(s)" of Leo Strauss, for specific example--a more outright anti-Pharisaism in general, aside fm anti-Israel.

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