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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

First, there's evidence for the indictment--THEN there's the CONFIRMATION for VERDICT--all in the logic for conclusion

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That Magic Moment Of Confirmation For The Thesis
(Apollonian, 5 Feb 14)

By golly, but this was a deceptively OUTSTANDING blog u posted here, Mr. Tim--and it took me a couple days mulling it over--UNTIL it struck me this is yet another outstanding observation leading to, and now CONFIRMING, the inductive conclusion which we ALREADY knew--about the scummy psychopaths and murderers inside US gov. and attached and connected thereto, including Israel and MOSSAD who conspired in 9/11 mass-murder.

I'm now finishing-up "Another Nineteen," by Kevin Ryan who gives an extremely cogent over-view of who should be the REAL suspects for 9/11--it's a fantastic book, filled w. pertinent facts and cogently written by Ryan.

Remember: that's how the inductive process in criminal investigation works: (a) u gather the suspects, (b) rank them for suspicion, (c) and now demand they present explanations for what they did, when, etc., demonstrating why they should be absolved fm suspicion, going steadily down the line.  And as Sherlock Holmes noted, the impossible eliminated, the remainder, no matter how improbable, is necessary solution-set.

So now we have our suspects, esp. the neo-cons, as we've had for some time now, w. tremendous, overwhelming evidence, and question is do they explain themselves sufficiently as to why they should be exonerated and relieved fm suspicion and prosecution?--not at all.  Further, these criminals actually only incriminate themselves further, as we see.

So it now gets to the pt. that ur article here, Tim, is not merely just MORE evidence, more details--it CONFIRMS the necessary indictment, in all truth--it's the HUGE and massive truth that crushes the the big-lies we've been force-fed.

It's what almost seems to baffle the observer for the sublimity of the problem/issue, that transition fm mere evidence for indictment to CONVICTION for the VERDICT.  Excellent article Tim; keep up ur great work by all means.

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