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Thursday, February 27, 2014

People can't be blamed if they think Jews have won, backing such as Alex Jones and Ron Paul, the "only game in town"

Below essay by ap first published at

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People Can't Be Blamed If, Under Circumstances, Alex Jones Seems Heroic To Them
(Apollonian, 27 Feb 14)

Tim, this is a powerful diatribe u submit here, and I'm sure quite a few will be impressed, some even persuaded.  But I sincerely think if Alex Jones falls for the masons it will be because of stupidity, not deliberate treason.  For u must consider there are still lots of fools--like Jones, smart as they may otherwise seem--who think there are "good" Jews--he's literally married to one, after all.

And I note Jones is quite aware of and reports about the outright satanism and illuminism of such as Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, and others.

It's truly sad thing to observe Rand Paul sucking-up so abjectly as he does to Israel, but he does this, I fear, because Israel seems to be only alternative as source of funding to the "leftist" Jews running CFR, Trilateralists, et al.--that's why I say Jews and oligarchs seem to have won, they now being "only game in town," as Paul seems to indicate.

U're surely right masons were a tremendous attraction in early enlightenment era as they stressed power of human reason.  And the European rulers tolerated masonry because the masons offered a NEW mode of financing by means of Central Banking and issuing of fiat-money, these masons subtly infiltrated by Jews and hence, the Jew bankers and their agents--they certainly won big w. the French Revolution, as u rightly note.

I rather look at things historical much the way Oswald Spengler expounded in "Decline of the West": history is CYCLIC and determined--there's no perfectly "free" (God-like) human will.  Only God's will is (perfectly) free and prevails.  But humanity suffers supreme sin of HUBRIS as they attempt to pretending to "good-evil" and just such a perfectly "free" will--by which to achieve "good," u see, "Pelagian heresy."

Thus w. the enlightenment, we get a guy, for example, who was quite a genius in his way, Immanuel Kant, who re-worked philosophy in a neo-Platonic way, emphasizing humans ought to strive to being "good," the way to doing this then by way of following "duty," this duty always refusing to serve the self--which leads to death, of course, but Kant became all the rage.

Next was Hegel and the absolute state, and then we got Marx, the Jew, who demanded the worship of the state and dictatorship of the proletariat, etc.

So I rather see the determinist hist. force primarily at work--God's will--as humans suffered gross hubris, the Jews and masons then taking advantage and actually being mere symptoms of that basic disease, HUBRIS, esp. that of pretended "good-evil"--as of Kant for foremost example.

Thus the masons, for most folks, were mere fad and fashion--it's true masons served as vehicle of Jew infiltration, but again, these were mere symptoms, Jews taking advantage of the people of the age's gross hubris, esp. in pretending to "good-evil" Pharisaism, leading to socialist statism and now the satanic society featuring Obongo-care death-panels and AGENDA-21 "population-reduction" genocide for the purpose of "the earth," "environmentalism," etc.

Don't fail to note Alex Jones does much to pt. out this satanism and the slow-kill mass-murder of the people by the various means, fluoride in the water, GMO foods, "chem-trails," etc.  Tim, u gotta forgive people, I think, if they consider Alex Jones, under the horrible Jew-dominated circumstances, is the way to making Jews and oligarchs fighting one-another, at least.

Whether u like it or not, people seem to think Jews have won, for practical purposes; hence backing such as Jones and Paul is most expedient way--for so many folks--of expressing opposition and rebellion--this then can be further treated by the true Christian soldiers like us, never doubt.

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