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Monday, February 3, 2014

Existence either exists or not (monism)--there are no "parallel universes"--hence, it's either Christian TRUTH or not--subjectivism and lies

Below essay by ap first published in comments,

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Truth, Reason, Reality, Humanity All Destroyed By "Noble Lie" Of "Good" (Pharisaism), Hubris, And Perfectly "Free" Will
(Apollonian, 3 Feb 14)

Note the issue of determinism vs. a perfectly "free" human will is not at all un-important.

First, we begin w. idea of objectivity (Aristotle) vs. subjectivism (Plato, Kant, et al.).  The question now is whether there is such thing as TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH, which truth, we're taught by Christ exists indubitably, esp. in Gosp. JOHN (14:6, 8:32, and 18:37-8).  Thus note Christ affirms dear old Aristotle.

And note then the proper metaphysical idea involves existence vs. non-existence--there couldn't be "parallel existences"--it either exists or not (monism).  And if existence exists, then it's either-or, objective or subjective.  Only in the objective reality could truth exist.

So we certainly have will, but it couldn't be perfectly "free" like God's, and everything that happens is in accord w. God's will.

At this pt. the problem has to do w. dictatorship, psychology and getting people (the suckers, the "masses") to "go along."  Thus people, in general, are taught nowadays by thought-control and public-edjumacation the "noble lie" of Leo Strauss and that Kant, for example, was such a great philosopher and everyone ought to want to be "good"--hence that there's a perfectly "free" will--like God's, which is obviously just a lie.

And WHY should one want to be "good"?--because, naturally, it's "good" to do this (circular reasoning) or, as Kant tells us, it's our "duty," and we should want to be dutiful, because we should, that's all--brilliant logic, eh?

To imagine one has a perfectly "free" will is also HUBRIS (hence madness), by definition, the ultimate sin according to the Greeks.

Thus note dictatorship always and necessarily teaches and preaches the perfectly "free" will and "good"--this way they get the suckers (to going along, at least tacitly, w. such as "climate-change" and AGENDA-21 genocide), who always pre-dominate (as they're over-populated in the determinist, CYCLIC course of things) in a corrupt, hubristic culture of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

There NEVER has been a more crucial time than NOW for dear Christianity and worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH--the REAL thing--esp. in this degenerate age of the phony, hereticalist, anti-Christ "Judeo-Christianity" (JC--see and for expo) which so much dominates, advocating the terror-state of Israel.

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