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Wednesday, February 26, 2014

The BIG LIE--the victims end fooling themselves within imperial circumstances, dependent upon welfare, including CORP. welfare

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Circumstances Of The BIG-LIE
(Apollonian, 26 Feb 14)

Well musings, once again u bring up excellent subject-matter, the whys and wherefores of the BIG-LIE--how and why the technique works.  And I trust I'm not presuming too much that u'd go along w. the BIG-LIE theory I've expounded so far.

For that's how the BIG-LIE has to work-- (a) the perps know they're lying, so well-crafted (well-enough, anyway), w. all the flunkies going-along, ESPECIALLY their lying instrument, the mass-corp. "news"-media repeating, repeating, repeating.

(b) And the perps know who they're dealing with: the goons of a corrupt, sated, mammon-oriented, imperialistic society, so dependent upon the empire in the way of "bread-and-circuses," welfare at both the lower-levels of society (income-wise), and also at the top-level too, which folks tend to forget--corporate-welfare and the military-industrial-complex.

(c) And don't doubt, lots of folks grasp the sheer ENORMITY of the BIG-LIE pushed in our faces, and they elect, even if reluctantly, to go-along w. the official fiction--it was Arabs or mooooooooslims that done it, those pesky critters, by golly.

(d) And once they go-along w. one lie, when the next one comes-up, they seem to feel obligated to go along w. that one too.

(e) Thus the people end very much FOOLING THEMSELVES, and the perps at the top understand this.  Another form of this going-along, I guess, would be the famous "Stockholm syndrome."

And the forest-fire of lies within the empire-of-lies is such that at this pt. it can't be put-out, but rather must simply burn itself out--which is why some people will have to be hurt badly before they begin to re-consider things, if ever--some will not survive.

The other thing is that as the population is steadily reduced in all the various ways, the masterminds at the top will begin to fall-out, suspecting they might be double-crossed, we patriots having to be (a) survivors and (b) opportunists when there seems a chance of exploiting this inevitable falling-out among masterminds, upon principle of "NO HONOR AMONG THIEVES."

Present opportunity is afforded in way of currency-collapse, on-going as we speak--this is serious thing and grave weakness, such as it is, for the masterminds.  Obongo's imagined economic "recovery" is actually mere bubble inflated by "quantitative-easing" (massive monetary inflation and gov. deficit-spending).

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