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Monday, April 29, 2013

Case-in-pt. for neo-con logic trying to work both ways--against consp. theory when it threatens precious Israel

Ditzy Neo-Con Broad Works Both Ways
(Apollonian, 29 Apr 13) Interesting article, this pathetic, brainless creature, the author, trying to play it both ways: (a) “evil” and tyranny is gripping the nation, but (b) irresponsible “consp. theories” don’t help–like saying there were no kiddies killed at Sandy Hook. She also babbles about latest Boston event.

See, this (above site) is a neo-con operation, similar to (Joseph Farrah) who are HEAVILY subsidized by zionists. They want to appeal to “rightists” and “conservatives” (esp. neo-cons), among “Christians” (but actually “Judeo-Christians” [JCs]–see and for expo/ref. on JCs) so they’re not averse to knocking the “leftists,” including the CFR, Tri-lateralists, and Bilderbergers, BUT they’re leery of fully investigating such as 9/11 for obvious reason Israel and MOSSAD were heavily involved.

Like I’ve noted: all u gotta understand is the US Federal Reserve Bank as the fundamental, obvious conspiracy, behind everything else, hiding in plain-sight–it’s just legalized COUNTERFEITING, the big-lie (denying, of course, that it’s COUNTERFEITING) which gets past so many morons, including the fools who’s only complaint is it’s “debt” money, that printing-up money is otherwise okay, long as it’s issued by gov. (without “debt”), not private banks.

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