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Wednesday, February 6, 2013

"Contingencies"?--rather, it's ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN for the death-ride we're on, as "money" system collapses

[Below essay was inspired, additionally, by a comment submitted to earlier blog (Feb 4, "ZOG Psy-Ops..."), this site, of couple days ago, as reader wrote: "What I think would be most beneficial to your readers and to all White Nationalists is to draft up a series of contingency plans for all the possible outcomes as America crashes and burns."

For there are no "contingencies": we're TOTALLY in grips (a death-grip, truly) of a certain (criminal) money-system, and nothing will change until this (so-called) money-system definitively collapses--which ZOG enemy perfectly foresees, they planning to submerge the world thereupon within war, martial-law, calling in UN troops, featuring Muzlim soldiers who will gleefully kill Americans, etc.--this isn't "contingency," it's certain, and it's happening right now before our very eyes.]

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If Obongo wasn't a faggot, he'd be muh dikking his two turd dumplings from his shemale "wife" Mitchell Obongo.
This jiggaboo has to go; he's no different from a jig who would rape a 3 year old kid, which I read about in another post! Grrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!  (See, presently closed to public, due to hack-attack by MOSSAD, evidently.)

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There's NO ALTERNATIVE To Christian Organization, Inspiration For Patriot Survival, Victory
(Apollonian, 6 Feb 13)

Of course, I don't dis-agree w. u, ensis, but surely u understand Obongo is MERE FRONT-MAN, put out there to mock and demoralize the white volk--as if to say, here's ur keeper white suckas, this monkey who otherwise apes the speaking mode of a white person--who, like a well-trained ape, has a slick and glib come-back to any objection u might have to his socialist/fascist/Keynesian policies, "policies" scripted by the CFR/Trilateralists/Bilderbergers.

It's the whole structure that's the problem, this structure POWERED by the money-machine, that COUNTERFEITING scam, literally, called the US Federal Reserve Bank ("Fed"--see for expo/ref. on Fed fraud), and as long as people continue to accept the money for payment for goods and svcs, there's very little we can do, but to just hang-on and try to surviving till the money system finally collapses--for this money system is their strength, never forget.

KEY then for ultimate victory (if there is to be any), as I continue to repeat and emphasize, is to recruit and organize by means of a rationalist Christianity, hence an EXPLICITLY ANTI-SEMITIC Christianity--which, unfortunately, I observe, doesn't seem to impress u very much, ensis, u seeming to think there's some other short-cut way.

But u gotta face-up to the horrific reality: (a) we must organize ALL GENTILES, not just whites, and (b) this must be done on an allegorical-type, sentimental basis, which however, is not hostile to reason and, in fact, is sympathetic and conducive thereto--reason, rationality, logic, science, etc.

And incorporating this rationalist Christianity within the general patriot mentality isn't difficult, Christianity being all about TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all and any other virtue--AGAINST Jew lies (Gosp. JOHN 8:44).  So u can see it's not making anything up to say that Christianity is DESIGNED to be anti-semitic.

Thus ultimately, ZOG must be opposed and overcome by means of the LOCAL gov.s, patriots beginning fm the grass-roots, HENCE CHRISTIAN CHURCHES--THERE'S NO OTHER WAY.  And the all-time exemplar and heroic inspiration must be St. Constantine the Great who organized and united ALL GENTILES and dealt w. Jew monsters most definitively.

Historically then, one observes, Roman empire was in a huge, horrible Spenglerian type "decline" and down-turn, say fm time of Marcus Aurelius in 180 to Diocletian and St. Constantine--much like USA is in horrific decline mode today.

Constantine then REVIVED and resuscitated the Roman empire at least briefly, but which failed to fully catch-fire, so to speak, the full rationalist program not completely sinking-in, it taking over another thousand years for the birth of modern science and the contractual republican model of representative gov.

Still, the spiritual, ideologic basics are well demonstrated by St. Constantine: one thing for sure is WE KNOW WHAT THE PROBLEM is--a criminal conspiracy with iron-clad death-grip over culture and mass-psychology, these criminals led by the master psychopaths of all time, the kikes, their invincible weapon (so far), their COUNTERFEITING scam, called the Fed.

Immediate enemies/opponents to be exterminated are the Judeo-Christian (JC--see and for expo/ref.) hereticalists who constitute the present-day "Praetorian Guard" for the top rulers, kikes and accomplices behind the Fed scam.  Thus one sees rationalist, anti-semitic Christianity is necessary to undercut these JC hereticalists/traitors, scum, and filth.

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