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Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Ever hrd of "Cui bono"?--who benefits?--look around u, suckers; who's winning everywhere u look, fools?--satanists and Jews--who's losing?--all humanity is losing, morons--does this suggest any conclusion(s)?....

Who's Winning, Everywhere?--satanists And Jews, That's All--Who's Losing?--All Humanity: Get Clue, Suckers
(Apollonian, 23 May 17)

Look around, look EVERYWHERE, fools--who's winning, who's losing? Well, the satanists and Jews (they're same thing, remember, Jews just a particular form of the general thing, Jews most organized, most successful--see for expo) are winning--everywhere, anywhere. Sure, there's still lots of resistance, but now, who's losing?--EVERYONE, all gentile humanity is losing, Christians and Mooselmen, everyone. Is there any conclusion to be drawn?--any observation(s) to be made?--ho ho ho ho ho

So how is this?--Jews and satanists winning, everywhere, humanity LOSING everywhere, though, thanks to God, there's still significant resistance in many places.

Well, (a) Jews/satanists' great weapon/instrument continues to function, though it may be on last legs, the central-bank, legalized counterfeiting machine (see for expo on central-banking). (b) There's still lots of stupid, brainless, over-populated morons who suck-along and assist kikes/Satanists--like the Judeo-Christian (JC--see and for expo) hereticalist scum, heretics, and traitors. (c) The establishment Christian churches all still suck-along w. Jews/satanists, being totally sold-out, bought, bribed, and owned by Jews/satanists.

So remember, something's got to give, sometime, and the Jews/satanists are SUBJECTIVISTS, of extremist sort, who consider reality is mere product of consciousness, making themselves God, creator of reality. The satanist leaders then intimidate and lead the larger cadre of suck-alongs, everyone else being dis-united, confused, and diverted, many of the over-populated morons not even aware there's problem, the morons totally fascinated by the false-reality induced by such as TV, "bread and circuses."

But obviously, the anti-thesis to this satanic subjectivism is the objective reality, a necessary assumption, and idea of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), such truth necessarily dependent and based upon that prior objective reality. So Christians and establishment Christianity has obviously totally forgotten these necessary precepts of the original Christianity.

And the pretext to subjectivism then is fallacious/delusionary "good-evil," Pelagian heresy in Christianity, taught to the people as children at early age, which is necessarily founded upon subjectivism--and this is how subjectivism, thus satanism gets its toe-hold in popular consciousness. And most of the people NEVER, ever recover fm this early programming for non-existent "good-evil" and perfectly "free" will, which legitimizes subjectivism, hence satanism.

Other problems are equivocation fallacy regarding word, "faith," for example, which really and properly only means LOYALTY, not idiot, subjectivistic, beleeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'. Believing something DOES NOT make it true.

So the people need UNITY of anti-satanist, hence anti-semitic sort. See and for expo on Judaism which is mere particular form of Satanism. Judaism, leading element of satanism, must be totally and completely WIPED-OUT. Such UNITY of proper, rationalist Christian ideal must obtain, along then w. such practical measures as real commodity-based money, hence gold/silver, states rights, nullification, and secession.

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