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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Why are things sooooooooooooooooo HOPELESS?--there's a reason, suckers

Spengerian CYCLIC Nature Of History & Society MUST Be Understood
(Apollonian, 24 Jul 13)

See comrades: history is CYCLIC, according to "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.  Otherwise, for good back-ground to this essay, see, for an attempted explanation and detailed expo on the utter hopelessness of present situation. 

(A) So what happens is HORROR--success of human scum (who are always, basically, intrinsically SINNERS, never forget) leads ineluctably, inexorably to OVER-POPULATION of stupid, brainless, scummy puke (present metro-sexuals, as we see) who OTHERWISE would have died-out and -off but for their successful parents who, due to their success and conquest, now allow these stinking inferiors to survive.

(B) And so there u go and here we are w. this scummy, stinking, over-populated filth soooooo much determining things, the Jews and cohorts (like Judeo-Christians--JCs--see and for expo/ref. on JCs) manipulating the puke to what we got now, actually committing suicide (and thus seeing to the effective mass-murder of their own family), sitting still for being poisoned and murdered by means of (poison) fluoride in the water supplies, GMO foods, other poisonous additives in foods, toxic vaccines, "chem-trail" poisoning, nuclear radiation poisoning, forced drugging of school-kids, etc.--convinced this is all good by the Jews-media, the establishment "Christian" institutes, not to mention "public" edjumacation, etc.

(C) So don't u see?--THERE'S NO SOLUTION, suckers--nothing in way of relief can happen UNTIL enough of this human puke and filth finally dies-out and -off--get it? Such is the horrific, satanic truth and reality--what we see now right in front of our very faces.

(D) Such then is nature and necessity of Spenglerian "DECLINE"--only after massive death and absolute destruction does society, what's left of it, have a chance to regenerate--assuming it doesn't go completely EXTINCT.

(E) And that's precisely what we're facing RIGHT NOW--so horribly hopeless--it's like a forest-fire devouring everything, and there being NOTHING to do about it, but the fire eventually burning itself out--that's all, nothing else.

(F) And that's why the ONLY hope, the ONLY CHANCE for survival of humanity, is to removing Jews (and close cohorts among gentiles), the head-of-the-snake which organizes the larger satanic conspiracy--is it possible?--whatever, we nonetheless have no choice but to trying--for the sake of humanity. And we pray to God and Christ for all Providential help and Heavenly assistance.

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