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Monday, July 22, 2013

Why are stupid goyim soooooo STUPID (and doomed)?--they fail to go to war w. those (Jews) who are at war w. them, obviously

Below-copied quite revealing dialectic can be found at

Observe the respondent "guest" making excuses for the Jews--as usual--pretending there are good Jews.  And this is just the problem: stupid goyim FAILING TO GOING TO WAR AGAINST JEWS, WHO ARE AT WAR WITH THEM.

So that's why Jews will ALWAYS WIN--they're steadily conducting well-organized warfare while idiot, stupid, brainless goyim are too busy making excuses for their murderers, the goyim fighting one another rather than kikes.

Well, that's what happens to stupid people, eh?--they get killed and victimized by criminals, like Jews, who under circumstances, are playing it "smarter" than the victims.  Thus nature and evolution, working through kikes, remove the inferiors and morons--like the metro-sexuals of this day--and the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) hereticalists who are persuaded Judaism and Christianity are basically same things, ho ho ho.

Thus "Jews" who so-call themselves MUST BE MADE RESPONSIBLE--if they defend Jews, THEY'RE ENEMIES of gentiles and Christians.

For who would be willing to be called "Jew," knowing what psychopathic murderers Jews really are?--it would be like saying I'm a psychopath, descended fm a long line of glorious psychopaths, ho ho ho.

Thus Christianity MUST BE UNDERSTOOD AS ANTI-SEMITISM--which is simply the truth--which the scum are terrified to admitting.  For Christianity is worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44).  Everything else, about Christianity, is mere details.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Of course, there's more to Christianity than mere negativity towards kikes--and kikes have KEY cohorts and collaborators among gentiles who willingly help these kikes: like the JCs on the "right," and the queers and metro-sexuals on the "left."  Otherwise far, far too many are passive-minded, ignorant, cowardly scum and morons who just "don't know."

So as things get worse and worse and worse, and more and more of morons & stupid people fall by proverbial "way-side," those who remain must understand the necessity for uniting upon Christian, rationalist, and evermore urgently, ANTI-SEMITIC principles, beginning w. idea that reality is objective (the basis then for TRUTH), determined according to cause-effect (hence no perfectly "free" human will), and CYCLIC, according to "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Thus Jews will have to be arrested, confiscated, interned, separated by sex, and watched carefully as they steadily die-out.

Those who are only Jews of race, who oppose the active Talmudists, must still NEVER be allowed to vote or hold office or re-produce--such then is the necessary anti-semitic, Christian program for victory.

Such is the NECESSARY plan for successful going-to-war against Jews and their accomplices.


----------------------------------below-copied fm
  1. apollonian

  2. / June 7, 2013
I think u do great job for the basic info on Jones. I suspect it’s much, if not mostly, matter of top, rich Jews–as of CFR/Trilateralists/Bilderberg, whom Jones complains about, these “leftist” and atheistic -styled, VERSUS the lower-level Jews–who are yet quite wealthy compared w. gentiles–whom Jones speaks for.
  1. The “leftist” Jews are for AGENDA-21 genocide, whereas the lower-level Jews want to keep gentiles around to continue parasitizing.
  3. Gentiles are totally out of the picture for power–it’s now mere matter of Jew masterminds falling-out w. one another, upon principle of “no honor among thieves.”
  5. That’s why I conditionally support Alex Jones as he does indeed dispense useful news–like about poison fluoride, toxic vaccines, poison GMO foods, etc.

  1. Guest

    / July 15, 2013
    apollonian: “The “leftist” Jews are for AGENDA-21 genocide, whereas the lower-level Jews want to keep gentiles around to continue parasitizing.”
  2. :)Funny I hadn’t quite thought of it like that. Good description. There’s definitely a demarcation line(s), as I do not believe ALL Jews are automatically guilty by birth, no more than all Gentiles are evil. This from life experience with best-friends who were Jewish, former bosses who were Jewish, etc. They were totally “Americanized,” born/raised here, Gentile marriage partners, some Christian converts, not political at all, could care less re Israel, clueless re the NWO, don’t trust banks any more than the rest of us, just hard working lower to middle class regular people trudging along in the cog wheel of life.
  3. This is not to say I don’t believe in the Judeo/Judaic + Masonic “JRS” (Jewish Revolutionary Spirit”) behind the NWO, The Protocols, etc., as I do indeed believe that. Part of those plans include culling the duped “average Jew” as well as the Goys. They hate their “lower tribal brethren” as much as they hate the rest of us. So discernment is needed.


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