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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

O'Reilly: mere small & superficial symptom of the REAL cultural problem-complex

See http://sherriequestioningall.blogspo...-on-black.html

O'Reilly Is Integral Part Of The Cultural Problem-Complex
(Apollonian, 23 Jul 13)

O'Reilly, as usual, only goes far enough to serve the agenda of FOX News, which in turn, serves the globalist, CFR/Trilateralist/Bilderberg agenda, O'Reilly's purpose being to instigate, promote, and encourage race-war, O'Reilly and FOX doing it fm the "right" (ho ho)--in contrast to MSNBC or CNN, for examples, who do the VERY SAME racial instigation, but fm the "left."

O'Reilly tries to instigate the whites, pretending he's on their side, the leftists pretend they're for the non-whites. And overall, note the large program, as by United Nations, is AGENDA-21 "population reduction"--GENOCIDE.

Meantime, observe, as Alex Jones ( pt.s out, there's poison Fluoride in the water supplies, GMO foods, poison food additives like aspartame, MSG, and many others, people being forcibly vaccinated w. toxic vaccines, school-kids and adults being forcibly drugged, these drugs often too powerful and un-tested, not to mention the wide-spread radiation poisoning (like Fukushima, worse than Chernobyl), as fm military depleted uranium, poison "chem-trails" destroying ground-soil, etc.--this has all been done DELIBERATELY.

And all of this horrific, genocidal mass-murder and poisoning is enabled by the US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) legalized COUNTERFEITING scam which gives nearly God-like power to those very few who buy politicians & judges, & own & control the mass-corp. "news"-media, all the large and most of the smaller corp.s, public edjumaction, and most tragically, the est. Christian churches, etc.

So u see, it's all part of a large worship of DEATH within a culture/empire of LIES LIES LIES which Christ warned against, esp. in Gosp. JOHN 8:44, Christ standing for TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH above all/any other precepts or ideals (Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

So I suggest people brace themselves as it's just going to keep getting worse, in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, long as folks continue to accept US Dollar as payment for goods & svcs. Ron Paul is certainly right when he urges we must "end the Fed," but that's just necessary part of the beginning of any possible recovery.

There's going to have to be other things happen too--like REMOVAL of the satanists and anti-Christs behind this horror and psychopathology--the people fighting for freedom and rights according to original US Constitution, lowering of taxes and removal of idiot "regulation" of otherwise free market--and this isn't going to be easy, is it?--as we all know.

But we all KNOW we CAN'T SAY WHO it actually is behind all this raging satanism and anti-Christianity, can we?--that wouldn't be politically correct for our dear metro-sexual culture would it? Ho ho ho So good luck folks, be sure to pray hard.

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