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Sunday, July 7, 2013

The racial debate in large cultural perspective: battle btwn TRUTH and Jew lies


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Racism: Mere Part Of Larger Cultural Struggle
(Apollonian, 7 Jul 13)

Given the definition and meaning of racism--LOYALTY to people, culture, and ancestors--we now merely need place the racialist subject-matter within proper context: the larger battle btwn TRUTH and lies, always pushed by lies, truth being always soooooo dispassionate, un-caring about putrid, stinking lies trying to pretend and deceive.

Thus we see the real battle is btwn Christian TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. Jew lies (JOHN 8:44, including various cohorts of Jews, who so often seem to be legion).

Thus Christian vs. Jew in aesthetics corresponds in philosophy to objectivity (Aristotle), necessary criterion/premise to such truth, vs. subjectivism, esp. then Talmudism (see and for Talmudic expo).

Thus we see subjectivists, Talmudists, and cohorts seek to de-throne Truth as foremost principle by means of "good" and, for example, the "noble lie."

Thus we see racist truth assaulted by satanic anti-racism on premise that racism is "evil" and anti-racism is "good."

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Further then, we see larger circumstances within which the human drama takes place, the objective, hence DETERMINIST reality wherein there is no, cannot be any, perfectly "free" human will (necessary premise for "good-evil" delusion/fallacy/heresy), this pretension to such absolute "freedom" of human will being very essence of HUBRIS, the fundamental human sin according to the Greeks, whence humans insanely pretends to Godly ability to create reality, thus "good."

Thus as reality is objective, hence determined, hence it is CYCLIC according to "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, and we see how hubris arises among humans--leading then to anti-racism--which racism, remember, in accord w. simple definition, is LOYALTY (as to people, ancestors, and culture).

So people become hubristic in the CYCLE of history as they become rich, "prosperous," and successful, imagining then they can be "good." Thus arises the great hubris of anti-racism in the mad pretension to "goodness."

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Of course, there are specific mechanisms working within the CYCLIC and hubristic "Decline of the West," the latest of greatest significance being the Jew-dominated enterprise of fractional-reserve banking, e.g., the present US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) COUNTERFEIT scam (see for expo/ref. on Fed fraud) by which these Jew criminals (a redundancy) gain practically total control of a nation's culture--this total control extending now to practically the entire world, as we see.

Thus the bankers come to owning and controlling EVERYTHING--all the large corp.s and many smaller ones too, including the mass-corp. "Jews-media": all the politicians and judges w. only very few exceptions, the public edjumacation, but extending to private education too, and perhaps most sadly, the establishment "Christian" churches and institutes--including the present "Vatican" and most notoriously, the "Judeo-Christian" (JCs--see and for expo/ref.) hereticalists who say Christ was Jew and support terror-state of Israel.

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Thus in the great CYCLIC historical process, all civilization tends to collapse in all-out warfare and desolation, as we see, the Jews working to exterminate humanity by present general means of AGENDA-21 "de-population," poisonous fluoride in the water supplies, toxic vaccines, GMO poisoned foods, poisonous "chem-trail" deposits of aluminum and barium particles, radiation poisoning by means of micro-waves and cell-phones, not to mention depleted uranium.

But we Christian soldiers and heroes do not despair, and we fight on for victory upon knowledge there is "no honor among thieves," and that the factions among top Jew & criminal masterminds will fall-out among themselves giving us hope and opportunity to survive, rally, and eventually even to prevailing--much as in Roman empire of early 4th cent. when civilization seemed almost to reviving by heroic leadership of St. Constantine the Great.

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