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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Racism: what is it, really?--just LOYALTY, that's all (ck dictionary)--but it (the definition) became corrupted, didn't it?


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Present-Day Racism And It's Corruption From Virtue Now To Malady
(Apollonian, 3 July 13)
So What actually is racism?--an infamous buzzword nowadays, which "metro-sexuals" (otherwise known as "trendies," and, ho ho ho, "progressives") love to hate--it's just not fashionable, "in," and politically correct to be racist, u see.
To the "metros" racism seems to be synonymous w. hatred
But when u actually ck the dictionary--a simple thing to do, eh?--u quickly find it's just LOYALTY.
And what's "race"?--well, it's just one's extended family. Of course, all of mankind can then be understood as "family" extended to utmost, but race then is usually understood as a little more exclusive.
So people, we find, are naturally racist--in same way we're naturally loyal to (a) immediate family, (b) and then extending further.
Thus we see racism is actually VIRTUE, the virtue of loyalty.
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But something happened in (Western) history, didn't it?--and we see now "racism" is such buzz-word and "hot-button" item?--so how did this come about?
Well, if we simply look to history, we see racism became "hot-button," esp. w. the Jews, foremost liars and psychopaths (see for expo on Talmudism) and their propaganda industry, I guess, round about the 1920s or so. "Racism" began to be seen as an irrational prejudice, an illegitimate loyalty, something wrong.
And of course, preceding this Jew propaganda development fm the 20s, we observe the rise and prominence of the more general Pharisaist, moralism, esp. since the rise and prominence of the great moralist philosopher, Immanuel Kant in late 18th cent. Thus folks really began to put a lot of stock and emphasis upon the fallacious/hereticalist "good-evil."
For note in dear Christianity, the good-evil delusion/fallacy is known as Pelagian heresy, fm St. Augustine.
But again, especially since Kant, people, esp. the rising middle-class began to take "good-evil" evermore seriously, and things began to take-on this "good-evil" character. Thus the Jews, pretending to "liberalism" (which in turn, pretends to freedom and actual liberty) insisted "racism" is irrational (which it obviously isn't) and, most of all, "bad"/evil.
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Thus we see the "progress," such as it is, of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler: history is (a) determined (no perfectly "free" will), hence CYCLIC. [b] Thus, as in the Roman Empire, the civilization rises fm honesty and the citizens as primarily agriculturalists. (c) But with "prosperity," the citizens are steadily removed fm direct agriculture, for example, and they become evermore corrupted--ESPECIALLY IN PRETENCE TO "GOOD-EVIL" (Pharisaism).
Thus we see the steps in corruption and perversion: after the original civilization, founded in honesty and agriculture, it "progresses" (ho ho ho) to (a) irrationalism, hubristic pretension to godliness and esp. then, the ability to be "good."
Thus racism, esp. as pushed by Jews, foremost liars, is now, as we see, construed as "evil"--when the simplest reality is racism is actually VIRTUE--a necessary virtue for the preservation of state, properly understood, society, and culture.

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