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Wednesday, February 13, 2019

One chooses one's philosophy, un-questionably--is there truth?--is reality objective?--everyone must choose....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Ultimately One Chooses Philosophy To Live By: Truth Or Lies--Is There Really Such Thing As Truth?--Objective Reality?
(Apollonian, 13 Feb 19)

Note it's the philosophy of the "religion" (religion being the vehicle containing philosophy) of Talmudic war against humanity which is execrable, fm pt. of view of us gentiles. See,, and for best expo.

So we gentiles necessarily must oppose and execrate such Talmudism. FM pt. of view of Jews it might not be so bad--except they now have a ready-made group of enemies--the rest of the world.

What's notable about Talmudic philosophy within that religious vehicle is the thoroughgoing SUBJECTIVISM--Torah, hence all of reality, means ONLY what rabbis say, working through "midrash" (interpretation) and "Oral Law Tradition." Hence Talmud is the "Oral Law" applied and put into practice--what Talmud is all about.

Christianity then was and is deliberately meant as anti-thesis to Pharisaism and that "Oral Law Tradition," Talmud later most fully written-out in 500 AD Babylon. Thus Christianity affirms the Aristotelian OBJECTIVITY of reality, including determinism, idea we're all sinners (self-interested as creatures of will), and only God's grace and mercy gets us to Heaven, nothing by our own efforts.

Note that as history is CYCLIC, according to Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," there's distinct place and purpose for that Talmudism. For when Western Christendom became soooo successful (say 1800 AD)--that's when it began to "decline" in corruption and HUBRIS, taking-up most seriously idea they became "good," which "good" is product/notion of SUBJECTIVISM.

Culturally, the West began to falling-apart, but note the economy remained quite strong for a good while, lagging behind the cultural decline, the economy having now produced present "military-industrial-complex," etc.

Pt. is there's socio-biologic place and function for Jews as they lead the enemies of the old Christendom which Christianity they hate for obvious reason it features at heart the very opposite, anti-thematic ideal, the objective reality.

And as St. Paul taught us, we don't struggle so much w. actual humans as much as against "powers and principalities"--like the great force of Satanism (extreme subjectivism, holding reality is mere product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism by definition) and present New world order (NWO) featuring Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE.

So just don't forget the great example of St. Paul who was born and raised Pharisaic, but who chose Christ (= TRUTH, Gosp. JOHN 14:6). Amen.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

# 169, Sowhat says:
February 13, 2019 at 5:43 pm GMT • 300 Words

At 70, I consider myself fortunate. I still have my physical and mental faculties intact. This is a bit on the “TMI” side of things but, here goes:

My brother, a year and a half older, has refused to get help for the last 8-9 years and is left, frail, paranoid and mentally ill. His six children refuse to “take him in” because one of them is fully convinced that he did something inappropriate while watching the grand-child, years ago, and all of them have turned against him.

Last Christmas, his son gave him a DNA/”find your origins” kit. He sent it off and the results show him (and me, I suppose) as 60% Ashkenazi-Latvian-Lithuanian…blah, blah, blah. Heck! The Sir Name, alone and the nose, reveal that much…so much for the expensive DNA origins Kit.

I read, recently, that 40% of Ashkenazi’s are gene-defective and are prone to schizophrenia. Darn! Well, “Darn!”, regarding the possibilities, anyway. LOL

Now, regarding the article and comments, I looked something up using Google so that you can “copy-and-keep-for-future-pastes”(if you have an small program on your computer like CLIPMATE) “What is the Yiddish word for whiners?” and here it is: “ווהינערס” . Save it and paste as necessary.

As a people, their (Darned! ..Do I have to now say “WE“? )M.O. is “whiner”.
I’ve read many an article and have seen many digital reproductions on the internet of Newspaper pages from the late 1800s and early 1900s where their magical 6,000,000 figure was used repeatedly to report on their pending inhalation or oppressions, especially in Europe. Why God chose this fate for me, I don’t know! I hate my ancestors…well, I really don’t hate them but, goodness! What a bummer…to have to be associated, genetically, with a bunch of “ווהינערס”, deceivers, and userous sheisters ! I know…one cannot use “all-inclusiveness” to blanket whole swaths of people. There are good people and bad people in every race, color and creed.

I’m not whining BUT, I don’t have to be like the rest of my gene pool…do I?

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