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Monday, February 4, 2019

How I exposed Jew, Ron Unz, of the (relatively) popular "Unz Review"....

Below-copied by ap submitted, CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Unz Demonstrates Un-Mistakable, Deliberate, Typical Pattern Of Jew Lying, Subversion, Never Doubt
(Apollonian, 4 Feb 19)

"Indeed, Ron Unz is fearless, which is what one must be to protect free speech from constant attacks by The Usual Enemies of Free Speech."

Wally (see below-copied), thou poor fool, and thou doesn't begin to realize how truly stupid sucker thou are for this idiot statement of thine about Unz--who is the very typical lying, Jew snake who's simply running just another Jew-oriented psy-ops.

Specifically, Unz promotes the usual confusion and cognitive dissonance, including the "normalization" of Jew psychopaths as just another "minority" among the multi-cultural people in present Jew S A, the proverbial "dog" being wagged by Israeli terror-state "tail."

I figured it all out for how and why regarding the pattern of censorship/deletion Unz followed. For note Unz pretends he's for "free speech" and expression--just another Jew lie of Unz. For Unz censors these comments pages very carefully and intensively. Again, "Unz Review" is deliberate psy-ops.

For the first pt. to be understood is I've always expounded the pattern and system to the Jew world order--which Unz is keen to keep covered-up. The first, over-all thing to be noted is (a) the SATANIC character and nature of present Jew S A and Jew world order--featuring as I've so often noted, Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE program.

I also note this satanic character and ethos is mere part-parcel of the over-all CYCLIC historical process of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, by which societies/cultures begin w. heroic founders, like Romans and original Americans, but then rise in prosperity and success, producing off-spring who are far less heroic than original founders, who steadily become more hubristic and smug, leading now to the present gross, outright Satanism.

(b) Unz doesn't mind this ref. to Satanism long as it's kept otherwise mysterious and un-defined, but I define it, this Satanism, which is extreme subjectivism, idea that reality is product of mentality/consciousness by which subject is God, the creator--Satanism by definition.

(c) I then note and observe the PHILOSOPHY--NOT JUST "RELIGION"--of the Talmud, followed by Jews, necessarily and by definition, and give the citations to back it up,,, and for fullest expo, which anyone can easily verify.

So thou see: Unz doesn't like this explicit, specific expose' of Judaism as the Satanism it really is--purest subjectivism, featuring "midrash" (interpretation) and "Oral Law Tradition."

Thus I show how Jews live and swim, like fish, within this general subjectivist/Satanist, Spenglerian "Western decline" and hubristic condition, Jews then naturally dominating, ruling, and leading as they're foremost Satanists/subjectivists, as they're collectivists w. most effective "group-think," Jews most dedicated, committed, and ORGANIZED, naturally leading and dominating the more numerous gentile subjectivists/Satanists, all these Satanists then, taken together, Jews leading, now dominating and intimidating the larger culture of gentiles in corrupt general social/cultural conditions. And I don't stop there.

(d) For the next thing I do is to analyze the PHILOSOPHY--NOT MERE "RELIGION"--of Christianity, showing it as the absolute anti-thesis of Jew/Talmudic subjectivism, Christians worshipping the perfectly rational, philosophic value of TRUTH, and that Christian "New Testament" absolute confirms this anti-thesis at Gosp. JOHN 14:6--Christ = truth, pure and simple. Unz and Jews don't like this sort of exposition as I give, and they're DETERMINED to cover it up, deny it, ignore it, and obfuscate, divert, and distract fm it--this is the psy-ops Unz is committed upon.

Thus Unz has essentially been CENSORING/deleting practically EVERY posting of mine for this systematic exposition as I've out-lined, Unz determined to "normalize" Jews within and among human beings, only willing to blaming/exposing some Jews, like the "Zionists" of Israel, for example.

Unz has thus CENSORED/deleted all my rejoinders/responses to at least six (6) posters here, above, who've made their typical Jew-friendly excuses for arguments against my original posting at # 4, above--an un-mistakable pattern and proof of Unz's typical Jew motivations, deliberately against truth, gentiles, and "free-speech," etc. Unz is the TYPICAL Jew lying snake, without a doubt.

Note "Wally," there are no "good" Jews (Talmudists, don't forget--or genetically related), like there are no good psychopaths--for that's what Jews are, what the Talmud teaches--absolute war against gentiles. And no decent person tells people he's Jew, no more than telling them he's psychopath, or Satanist, or child-molester. Unz may be "fearless," alright, long as he has "useful idiots," dupes and fools like thou.

-----------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------

# 93, Wally says:
February 3, 2019 at 9:15 pm GMT • 200 Words

“Anyway, for what it’s worth, UR is my favourite site. Unfortunately, most political and social blogs tend toward allowing no dissension or actual debate after some time, at least in the comments section, but UR – though also to some extent with certain patterns in that regard – has been generally better in that respect.”

Indeed, Ron Unz is fearless, which is what one must be to protect free speech from constant attacks by The Usual Enemies of Free Speech. But do check out and debate at their forum. A real eye opener. No name calling, no dodging. All “holocaust” topics / views represented and debated.

A recent work from Holocaust Handbooks, Documentaries, & Videos:
The Einsatzgruppen in the Occupied Eastern Territories, Genesis, Missions and Actions


1 comment:

  1. Below-copied by ap first submitted, CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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    "Conspiracy" Must Be Criminal Collusion; Unz Is Fraud (Typical, Lying Jew), But That's Not Necessarily Criminal, Presently--But SHOULD BE
    (Apollonian, 5 Feb 19)

    What?--is "religion among" "conspiracy theories"?--is this a stupid question, or what? So is religion a criminal offense?--OF COURSE NOT. By definition, "conspiracy" must be criminal.

    A "conspiracy" is criminal collusion of two or more people, by definition. Now then, FRAUD is defined as criminal under certain circumstances, but there are CRIMINAL frauds, which cause actual harm, as in sense of depriving people of funds and property. But then there is mere FRAUD in the sense of lying, which lying might not be criminal as it causes no harm. If, for example, I was to say I was ten months old--that's FRAUD (lying)--but it isn't necessarily a crime.

    I'll tell thou one thing, though: and that's Unz here is a FRAUD, though I can't say he's criminal--he's just the TYPICAL Jew liar, pretending he's for free speech as he systematically deletes and CENSORS my material and commentary, as he did in the previous Jonathan Cook article, allowing no less than 5 or 6 commenters to make statements against my (original) theses, but then deleted/CENSORED every single one of my rejoinders--THAT'S FRAUD, by Unz, the TYPICAL Jew liar, pretending he's for "free" speech and expression in promotion of a serious discussion. For Jews and Judaism are HUGE, big problem.

    Is Unz part of a network of frauds, criminal or not?--not that can be determined--though he's un-questionably just one of a number of Jew lying liars, as I've noted, Unz DELIBERATELY lying, pretending he's for "free" speech and expression regarding the cultural situation in present Jew S A.

    Unz un-questionably works to inflect, manipulate, contrive, and distort the patriot-type discussion/debate here, which Unz pretends to promoting. Unz's purpose is to "normalizing" Jews, pretending Jews are "like anyone else," that not all Jews are Talmudic sociopaths (which Unz un-questionably is, as I've proven), which sociopaths, of course, Jews must be, the very definition of Jew being Talmudist (conducting war against gentiles) or genetically related, and identifying as such. For to say one is Jew is to effectively defend and excuse Talmudism--hence to defend sociopathy. Q.E.D.

    So is Judaism a conspiracy?--it's un-questionably organized mis-anthropy and sociopathy, without doubt, which should be out-lawed--which it was, in many places, in earlier times of Christian history--it should be out-lawed now. But wait--that would be "anti-Semitism," darn. . . .

    ------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------

    # 94, niceland says:
    February 5, 2019 at 1:13 pm GMT

    Talking about dangerous conspiracy theories – is religion among these?
