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Sunday, February 10, 2019

"Discord on UR," says the moron, but, ho ho ho, isn't that really the Jews' object, everything said and done?....

Below-copied (both entries) by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Ho Ho Ho--"Discord On UR"?--Precisely What "Doctor" Ordered, Eh?
(Apollonian, 10 Feb 19)

"He is succeeding at causing discord on UR."
Ho ho ho ho--what?--"discord" on what?--UR? But WHAT do thou think UR is?--it's mere psy-ops run by the biggest troll of all, Ron Unz, sucker, typical Jew lying snake who pretends he's for "free speech," but deletes and censors most of my comments, just for fun and just as one example.

"Discord"?--ho ho ho ho ho--does it occur to thou that that's precisely what Unz wants--and works for?--why wouldn't he? Specifically, Unz WANTS confusion, in-fighting among gentiles, and cognitive dissonance--why wouldn't he?--hasn't that ALWAYS been Jew program?--forget the "Zionists," ho hoo ho.

Who/what is Unz?--he admits he's Jew, hence he must necessarily sympathize w. Talmudists, right? Judging by Unz's association (such as it is) w. Giraldi or Buchanan, Unz pretends to a criticism of Israeli terror-state. But fact is there's no essential diff. btwn Israelis (or "Zionists") and Jews who are defined as advocates or defenders of Talmud--they're all engaged in war against the gentile.

Just ck Unz's "Open Letter to Alt.-Right"--it's filled w. the typical Jew contempt and lies, mixed in w. a good deal of condescension as if we gentiles need Jews like Unz--or any Jews at all--Jews are very much the problem, as I've noted, and I've defined exactly how the Jews fit-in. For Jews aren't the beginning of such problem--which problem entails that natural sinfulness and HUBRIS which is in all people, within this determinist reality and CYCLIC history.

Basic problem is Satanism (extreme subjectivism, reality held as created by mind/consciousness, making subject God, the creator), within which satanism Jews are foremost Satanists, the leaders, most dedicated, most COLLECTIVISTIC, hence most organized w. most effective, successful group-think dominating and naturally leading, even though gentile subjectivists/Satanists far out-number Jews--simply observe history.

Thus Unz DELIBERATELY works (like the typical troll) to cloud and confuse the problem beginning w. the nature of Satanism, pretending it's mere "religion," not worthy of analysis--when Satanism is absolute most practical philosophy, plain and demonstrated, featuring, just for one example, Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE in all humanity's proverbial "face."

And thou, Artie-boy, are just the very sort of sucker Unz exploits, aren't thou?--pretending thou are "moral," never capable of defining any such idiot "moralism," pretending to a non-existent, non-defined "good" which is typically and notoriously for weaklings, suckers, children, and dogs, meant merely to extract obedience, conformity, and inducing poisonous guilt- and inferiority-complex by which Satanists intimidate the over-populated goons of any corrupt, degenerate society as we obviously presently have--"Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

"Hatred"?--well, isn't that a necessary motivating force, no less than anything else?--sure works for Israelis, eh? And isn't "hatred" mere reciprocal emotion/sentiment, as attraction vs. repulsion, duly noted by ancient philosopher, Empedocles? And if there's no hatred, HOW could there be love?--they complement one another, don't they? And if there's none of one, there's none of the other reciprocal, necessarily--get a brain.

So thou see, Artie-boy, thou are just the sort of "superficial" and shallow-minded sucker Unz depends upon and seeks to work with, aren't thou? Thou wishes like a child for "peace," but that only comes about by means of doing harm to those making it difficult. And "peace" is mere relative and quickly passing condition in any case.

Real question is HOW MUCH "peace" we can get, for whatever price, in order to do whatever. For "war is general, and justice is strife, and all things come about by means of war and change" according to ancient Ionian philosopher, Heraclitus. "Peace," says Artie-boy, the half-wit child, but what thou really need is a nice sloppy mud-pie in thy ignorant face.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied------------------

# 691, Art says:
February 10, 2019 at 9:28 pm GMT • 100 Words
@Commentator Mike

Tribalism and hate are present among other races too, and far more than among the white race. Most whites become racist and hateful as a reaction to anti-white politics or as a self defense mechanism if they have been attacked on a racial basis.

“Other people do it” is not an argument – it is an excuse.

Defense of one’s self and family and community is moral – I defend white Christian male family culture all the time.

Our lowlife Mr. DD Heros’s racism, is making us look bad. He words are making us unworthy of defense. His words are intended to exacerbate the problem – not find a peaceful outcome.

He is succeeding at causing discord on UR.

Think Peace — Art

p.s. “At least David Duke is an anti-war activist” — I did not know this —Hmm?

-------after ap posted above, CENSORED by kike, ap posted below-copied------

Artie-Boy: Genius Of All Time, Truly
(Apollonian, 10 Feb 19)

Ho ho ho hoho--this is just toooooooooooooo funny. Sorry, Unzie, buddy, but I just can't leave this one alone, ho ho ho ho ho

"He is succeeding at causing discord on UR."

But Artie-boy, buddy--isn't this "discord" PRECISELY what all Jews have ALWAYS wanted and worked for, all throughout history?--and isn't it precisely this "discord" that Jews pray and dream about?

Hasn't Unz admitted to being Jew?--ho oho ho ho ho ho ho. Artie-boy, are thou 2 yrs old?--w. an IQ of--what?--ZERO?--ho ho ho ho ho ho ho. What were thou expecting?--all gentiles to be united in favor of Jews?--ho ho ho ho ho ho ho--thou thinks that's what Unz is working for?--ho ho ho ho ho o ho

Artie-boy, buddy: is it POSSIBLE, even conceivable, anyone is stupid as thou?--ho ho ho ho ho oho

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