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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

U doubt there's conspiracy in this age of satanic lies, lying, and liars?--guess what?--culture of DEATH is built upon lies, empire thereof

Below by ap first posted at

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The Fool Says In His Heart: There Is No Conspiracy
(Apollonian 14, Jan 14)

Magus (see below and above link): don't forget, ALL CRIMINALS are basically conspirators in their heart, fm my observations, and there are plenty enough criminals.  Who are criminals?--I'd say they're those who begin as they seek to take illegitimate advantage of the weak among society.  The weak are protected by do-gooders, but many of these do-gooders are turned, and the weak are exploited till they die out or down to a minimal number--it's a CYCLIC phenomenon.

The American Declaration of Independence has a DETAILED conspiracy theory that's itemized by Jefferson.  The New Test. is all about the conspiracy of the Pharisees and others to kill TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Christ).

Top  conspirators are the people behind the central banks, like the US Federal Reserve Bank (legalized) COUNTERFEIT scam which is necessarily the principle, practical weapon/instrument of the large conspiracy and all the smaller, attached and connected criminal enterprises.  Powers behind the Fed are the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateralist Commission, and the Bilderbergers.  See for good expo on the CFR and associated criminal groups.

How is it poison--fluoride--is put into the water supplies?  How are poisonous food additives, aspartame, MSG, and bisphenol-A put into food?  How is US military using depleted uranium munitions when it's known this uranium kills even OUR OWN troops?  How are toxic vaccines being foisted upon the people, even by mandatory laws?  Why are our people, including 20% of school kids being drugged w. powerful, often un-tested and poorly understood chemicals?

We're suffering not merely fm random conspiracy and corrupt politicians, but fm a larger, more powerful overall mentality of satanist, thus psychopathic culture/mentality which is determined to mass-murder the people--according to AGENDA-21 "population reduction"--look at ObamaCare death-panels.  The satanic culture of death rules, running rampant.  Observe how the terror-state of Israel quite literally wags-the-dog, USA.

How does this satanism prevail?--it's built upon the empire-of-lies whence a HUBRISTIC and corrupt people refuse to face-up to the facts evident to their senses--a people whose hubris begins w. insistence there's such as "good," and that it's "good" not to heed to things like conspiracy.  Pharisaic "good" comes to destroy Christian TRUTH.

But this satanist culture is coming to a head as US Dollar continues to collapse, and everyone will know as the price increases accelerate and food shortages begin to crop up--THEN there's going to be serious violence and civil un-rest.  Such is CYCLIC history and "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, in an objective (Aristotelian), thus determinist reality in accord w. absolute cause-effect--there is no perfectly "free" human will, which is just, after all is said and done, a lie which is held only by the weak, I'm sorry to have to observe.  Evidently we still have a few too many weak folks who are going to fall by the proverbial "wayside."

-----------------------------above by ap in response to below by "magus"---------------------------

magus71 said, on January 14, 2014 at 1:50 pm
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Though, the term does not tell us whether the perceived patterns really exist anywhere but the observers mind. There are some people who come to some conclusions many don’t, using very loosely connected data points (David Goldman et al). Then there’s those who believe that the Bavarian Illuminati and the Gnomes of Zurich are pulling the stings behind everything. I love science fiction, really do, but grow a group beyond say 12 people, and your chances of pulling off even a minor conspiracy are reduced to almost nil. I’ve seen what happens when the Army tries to move two companies to a rally point 10 kilometers from a FOB. Clausewitz called it friction. Many things don’t work out the way you want them to.

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