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Friday, January 3, 2014

"Feminism"--just a faddish version of Pharisaism and hereticalist "good"

[Below essay by ap first posted at, in comments section.]

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Feminism: Just A Fashionable Form Of Fallacious “Good” & Pelagianism, Enemy Of Truth
(Apollonian, 3 Jan 14)

Ho ho ho–this is very good essay, though it rambles a bit. Hence it seems to me to be a totally contrived problem (“feminization”), this typical tactic of the empire-rulers (Jews and accomplices as usual) for keeping the goyim fighting one-another, by class, religion, race, sex, and age, etc.

As always, Jews work to overthrow Christian TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH by means of “good” (Pharisaism)–which good doesn’t exist, but it’s an attractive LIE–as per Plato & Leo Strauss’s “noble lie” (it works for Jews). Thus “good,” once they have u hooked on it, takes diff. forms–”tolerance,” “diversity,” “equality,” etc.

Note Spengler’s theory of determinist CYCLIC history entails a culture/society beginning w. honesty and natural Aristotelian objectivity: people are virtuously racist (loyal to ancestors and people) as they’re honest and simple for their concepts. But as the culture “advances” (ho ho ho) in “prosperity,” observe the people become less honest, conned by Jews, these Jews taking over by means of their frauds–esp. by means of “central banking”–just legalized COUNTERFEITING.

And as the people become evermore corrupt and perverted, they pretend to “good-evil” and the heresy of Pelagianism. A variety of this fallacious “good” is “tolerance,” and esp. for tolerating Jews–along w. other criminals and degenerates, like homosexuals, and now feminists.

Hence then one sees the problem: the dis-honesty and esp. HUBRIS of a corrupt and perverted people in midst of MAMMONIST false “prosperity”–who are caught-up in fallacious, delusionary, “good-evil” (Pelagian heresy), this pretense to “good” ALWAYS the greatest enemy of truth, the perfect pretext to lies and lying, SUBJECTIVISM, as noted in above expo.

Note then how this “good-evil” fallacy succeeds: it’s soooooo attractive to children who are trained upon the concept that obedience and thus gaining “approval” depends upon this “good” (really obedience). What’s a “bad” dog?–just one that doesn’t obey. Thus to be “good”–esp. for Jews–means being obedient.

So we see then the basics of the problem: Lies (in form of fallacious “good”) overthrowing TRUTH in the minds of a corrupted, hubristic, subjectivistic people. Feminism is just an aspect of this “good-evil” delusion as it manifests in “diversity,” “tolerance,” “equality,” etc.


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