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Sunday, January 12, 2014

People must face-up to TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH: we're up against absolute SATANIC conspiracy, which includes Israel, Jews, and suck-alongs

Below essay by ap first posted at
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USA Was Genuine Christian Republic At One Time--Founded Genuinely Upon TRUTH, Above All
(Apollonian, 13 Jan 14)
The trick of good gov. is to achieve and maintain rule-of-law rather than rule-of-men, tyranny.  So to achieve this rule-of-law the US founders resorted to an artistic combination rendering their version of republic founded upon Constitution, which made use of democracy as a part, this entailing consent of the people--it worked fairly well.
The basis in political/sociologic principle is idea power ascends, coming fm the people, who freely delegate the power, local gov. leading to state gov., the states then making the US Federal Republic.  This Federal republic then was destroyed in the US "Civil" war, and we've been surviving ever since, things evermore rapidly going down-hill, the definitive dictatorship founded in 1913 w. the US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) COUNTERFEIT scam--legalized, of course, by all the bought-and-paid-for politicians and judges.  See,, and for expo on Fed fraud.

Present USA has now become horrific SATANIC murder inc., utterly lawless and insane, a dictatorship now founded not upon traditional Christian TRUTH, but Pharisaic "good"--upon which "good," everything is justified and excused, including now literal genocide (AGENDA-21), ObamaCare death-panels, and slow-kill mass-murder of the people--as by means of the poison fluoride in water supplies, poison food additives, like aspartame, MSG, bisphenol-A, etc., GMO foods, "chem-trail" poisons sprayed in atmosphere, and radiation poisoning, fm depleted uranium and lately fm the Fukushima catastrophe which is totally out of control, even as we speak, the melt-down of the reactors on-going.

Note that as reality is objective, it's determined (according to absolute cause-effect), and hence CYCLIC, according to Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West."  Thus the USA started out w. honest people who knew they had to work for their money, etc.  But as in every civilization, the people become steadily corrupted in HUBRIS, honesty giving way to pretension of "good," the people imagining a perfectly "free" will, etc.--it's a kind of a mass-madness among the people, beginning in delusion/fallacy and esp. heresy, esp. Pelagianism, the idea one can achieve heaven by way of "good works"--see St. Augustine against Pelagius.
So note: it's determined, according to absolute cause-effect--sooooooooooo many people are caught-up in this Pharisaic madness, pretending they're "good," there's NOTHING to be done, too much, for practical purposes.  The proverbial forest-fire cannot now be put-out; it can only just burn itself out, the rest of us hoping to survive best we can and to starting civilization all over again fm scratch.
Meantime, we can only do our best, preaching the real (hence anti-Semitic) Christian Gospel, Christ is TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH, the ONLY way to Godly happiness.  Perhaps if we can get enough people to come along w. this Christian insight we might emulate St. Constantine the Great, early 4th cent. Roman Empire, and revive, resurrect, and resuscitate the old, otherwise moribund civilization.
The people might be inspired if they could only bring themselves to see reality and face the truth about the absolute SATANIC conspiracy we're presently up against: pretended "good" (Pharisaism) having overthrown TRUTH.  Israel, the terror-state, much controls the USA and is "wagging" the proverbial "dog."  There's no Muslim or Arab terrorists of any real substance.  All the serious terrorism is controlled by CIA and MOSSAD and their subsidiaries, like the Saudis, et al.  9/11 was an inside job.  If u can't face TRUTH, forget about it--u gotta start somewhere, sometime.

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