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Thursday, January 30, 2014

Remember, don't forget, despite Obongo's lies and ObongoCare, weak-pt., necessary target is "Judeo-Christian" hereticalists

Below essay by ap first published at comments,

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"Judeo-Christian" Hereticalists Are Crucial, Weak-Spot For ZOG
(Apollonian, 30 Jan 14)

I take a more DETERMINISTIC attitude towards this large-scale cultural activity u describe so well here, Tim. Thus I submit, once again, we're suffering within CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, whence a generation of weaklings has been bred-up, and these will have to die-off, to some extent at least, the culture collapsing a good deal, before a remnant will be enabled to resist more successfully.

For note the same sort of helpless apathy was seen in the Roman emp. of old as it steadily declined. Thus as the people die-out for the present satanic culture, the top master-minds must evermore suspect one another for double-cross and in-fighting.

But patriots can take inspiration fm example of St. Constantine the Great who revived, resuscitated, and rather resurrected the old Roman greatness, at least for a time, in the early 4th cent. And we readily see Jews as THE huge problem, these Jews absolutely dominating our culture, the masons mere pathetic suck-alongs.

But now what's the specific problem for focusing against the Jews?--I submit it isn't the masons nearly as much as it's the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo on JCs) hereticalists, who say Christ was Jew and worship/support the horrific terror-state of Israel.

Hence it's JCs who must be dealt with immediately w. most emphasis, vigor, and force. Such effort will have to accompany the continuing economic and currency collapse, people gradually facing-up to dread fact of the US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) COUNTERFEIT scam which is run by Jews and their accomplices beginning w. Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateralists, and Bilderbergers.

Such is the grim nature of determinist, hence CYCLIC, reality wherein only God's will prevails, according to strict cause-effect, there being no PERFECTLY "free" human will, humans always being sinners.

Observe people already see the lying Obama who foisted and sold ObamaCare death-panels--the continuing cultural collapse and destruction have to proceed to starvation and civil un-rest before large numbers of people more seriously coalesce for heightened resistance. In meantime the effort must be made against hereticalists like the JCs, these JCs being by far largest, most powerful gentile political group, JCs the weak-point for ZOG.

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