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Monday, January 27, 2014

Sandy Hook hoax, an amazing psy-ops--absolutely requiring massive funding/financing, like by the Fed

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Sandy Hook Event Must Be Appreciated For It's Psy-Ops Production Significance, Requiring Tremendous Resources
(Apollonian, 25 Jan 14)

Hello folks: great blog and comments.  The debate btwn Fetzer and Johnson can be found at

I thought Fetzer did better job in the debate than Johnson, though Johnson did well on some specific pt.s which Johnson investigated in some detail, like about the tarps, colors thereof, and the blood clean-up, but Johnson failed to give a good overall expo to show how it wasn't just elaborated drill, whereas Fetzer was more forthright and persuasive for his expo.

Folks must begin to realizing the thesis for criminal fraud and cover-up (obstruction of justice, etc.), regarding Sandy Hook shooting, has been quite conclusively proven--PROVEN.

So at this stage one must expand the investigation/analysis, and this must thus regard the source of all this GROSS criminality, ultimately, the US Federal Reserve Bank (literally legalized) COUNTERFEITING scam which ultimately provides the funding/financing for this amazing, elaborate fraud (Sandy Hook shootings) foisted upon the American public.

But without this necessary FOCUS upon the top criminals at the Fed it seems that things even regarding Sandy Hook itself just begin to dissipate.  People have to realize it's NECESSARY part of any investigation to see to the ultimate master-minds which has to be the Fed--for how else could this amazing, elaborate fraud and conspiracy have been executed and performed, including all the top-ranking politicians, the US Pres., the state governor, and the tremendous numbers of ancillary actors and accomplices?

So to sum up, at least tentatively, for this gross, amazing for the sheer audacity, Sandy Hook fraud, one easily sees how the fraud was really easy, simple spin-off fm the terror DRILL culture and mentality which has been promoted for yrs and yrs now by the Feds and state governments getting all that money printed-up by the Fed COUNTERFEITERS to finance things.

Sandy Hook was actually just a land-mark, PREMIER production for the propaganda and psy-ops, including all the necessary elements, politicians, school officials, police agencies, mass-corp. "news"-media, and the "crisis-actors."

HOW then could all these substantial and significant elements, just-above itemized, have been brought together and acting in such integral, co-ordinated manner WITHOUT such funding and leadership as provided by the Fed?--such then is the necessary context to be examined by investigators and citizens.  It would be BIG mistake to ignore this necessary larger context for things, in preference to tunnel-vision -type focus upon mere details of the local Sandy Hook event itself, though the details have their undeniable importance.  Keep up ur great work.

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