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Sunday, June 16, 2013

The role of Obongo in metro-sexual culture: Obongo NOTHING but figure-head, mouth-piece, front-man

Two-Track Leadership For Metro-Sexual Culture
(Apollonian, 16 Jun 13)

A. The Metro-Sexual Culture

What's the sort of leadership for our present dictatorship of metro-sexual culture, featuring Obongo?  Well, Obongo is really just a front-man who reads fm a tele-prompter, not actually a "leader" who has any real say for things--but Obongo is important nonetheless as he's a kind of psychologic treatment, the leader and spokesman for metro-sexual morons and goons, u see.  Obongo is a "leader" in same way one uses a sheep to get the other sheep to follow along.

And for a great picture of the actual culture we're presented, I just saw the movie, "Olympus Has Fallen"; it's just a long shoot-em-up, action-flick about the "evil" N. Koreans (again--they were also villains in recent "Red Dawn" movie too) who take over the White House in Wash. DC and capture the Presidente.  The hero, who rescues the Pres., etc., is married to a nurse who has to deal w. wounded & bloody folks, and I thought, wow, this is a movie for Crisis Actors, by golly.

And indeed, the movie is all about metro-sexual culture: the hero, a white guy who stabs the bad-guys in the head, etc., works for a black lady, Angela Basset, as his boss (of the Secret Service), and when the Pres. is captured, the Speaker of the House (Morgan Freeman) becomes head honcho--metro sexual culture wherein everyone is sooooooo "liberated" and "progressive," and they're not "trendy" anymore because hey, it's now the norm, right?  And everyone acts soooo "normal," comfortable, and at-ease about the metro-sexual way things are (in the movie).

Only thing is, the morons don't realize in such idiot metro-sexual culture, people are going to end-up one color, that of a light brown or khaki, I'd say--and that makes me want to puke.

B. The Two-Track Leadership

So the policy and execution thereof for the nation of such metro-sexual culture/mentality, ostensibly led by Obongo, is actually conducted by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Trilateralists, and Bilderberg, Obongo just an actor/figure-head who makes speeches, interposes, and covers for afore-mentioned real controllers.

An example is the recent hit done on the American Ambassador in Libya, Stevens, who seems to have been an inconvenient witness (who was then eliminated) to the arming of al qaeda "terrorists" w. heat-seeker anti-aircraft missiles which will soon be used in USA and Europe to cause terror downing of airliners pretext for martial-law.  Obongo wasn't in on any of the real deliberations for this hit, only informed of it afterwards and told what to say, scripted for him on the tele-prompter, as usual.

Thus the two-track leadership: Obongo gets out and blabbers and lies for the metro-sexuals and their agents in the mass-corp. media, while the real policy of the nation is made and executed by others operating fm behind the scenes--the CFR/Trilateralists/Bilderbergers intent upon AGENDA-21 genocide, GMO food poisoning of the people, etc.

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