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Monday, June 10, 2013

Patriots must keep general principles firmly in mind--"News" is all psy-ops and lies, Jews the "only game in town"

Keep General Principles Simple, At Forefront Of Mind
(Apollonian, 10 Jun 13)

Well, remember: if u want to keep some sort of a mind or mentality, STAY-OUT of gov.public "schools" (idiot-factories).  Getting GED isn't that difficult, eh?  Otherwise, remember what u've been demonstrating for us, good editor--EVERYTHING is a psy-op--everything.

Long as their funny-money (US Dollar, Euro to lesser extent) retains "reserve-currency" status, they can still do anything, though it is said we're now well into "stag-flation" phase, and it's requiring ever-greater doses of "quantitative easing" (inflation & debt) to maintain semblance of usual mammonist "prosperity"--it really isn't un-like drug-addiction, the present addiction to inflation and money-printing, requiring ever-greater doses (until we're dead, eh?).

And it's still same old "good-cops vs. bad-cops," the top-most (a) rich Jews of "leftist" CFR/Trilateralist/Bilderberg who want to exterminate the world populations via AGENDA-21, led by their front-man, Obongo, vs. (b) the "conservative," slightly lower-level Jews (who are still incredibly rich compared to gentiles) who back Israeli terror-state, who want to keep victims around to continue parasitizing (zionist/"neo-cons"), these led by Alexei Jones and Ron Paul.

U gotta realize us gentiles are TOTALLY out of the picture, pathetically left to mere hoping top masterminds fall-out w. one another on principle of "no honor among thieves"--so far ahead of everyone else Jews in general are (Jews' closest suck-alongs, queers on the left and "Judeo-Christian" hereticalists on the "right" merely do what they're told).  That's why I support Alexei Jones--but ONLY so far, and always w. firm proviso that Alexei and his traitor Jew-friendly faction will have to be exterminated in their turn--we must simply continue to striving to survive.

U gotta realize the absolute HORROR of the whole, general situation: WE'RE DOOMED, period--we can only hope to survive the falling-out of the masterminds and encouraging them to continue fighting amongst themselves, the puke.

We (gentiles led by Christians) can and will only have serious chance to fighting-back WHEN AND ONLY WHEN US Dollar finally collapses--this will take some time yet, and it will be absolutely catastrophic, never doubt--there will be food-shortages and starvation, only this starvation and horror will (a) remove the weaklings and traitors among gentiles (esp. the metro-sexual filth), and (b) galvanize the rest of the goons, morons, and scum to accepting heroic Christian leadership, this on the general model of heroic soldier-of-God, dear unc' Adolf Hitler--FACE UP to it, comrades--this is what's coming to a theater near you.

Thus I highly recommend accepting and preaching a RATIONALIST "Christianity" simply, first, and primarily as way/means of relating and sympathizing w. the rest of our gentile compatriots--u don't have to get "religious," and u SHOULD NOT, by any means, become mystic.  Christianity is worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all/any other ideals, including idiot "love" or brainless "faith" of beleeeeeeeeeeeeevin' in moronic anti-rationalist notions.  Thus Christian heroes fight satanic lies (JOHN 8:44).

CONCLUSION: God helps those who help themselves.  Immediate enemies to remove, neutralize, and exterminate are the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo/ref.) hereticalists who back terror-state of Israel and say Christ was Jew (there being great diff. btwn Judean and Jew, never forget).  The JCs are the single most powerful interest group among gentiles, don't doubt.  Thus patriots PREPARE by cultivating this anti-semitic Christianity--if u ain't anti-semitic, u ain't no Christian, pilgrim.  If u aren't anti-semitic, u're not even human, comrade--and I'm NOT kidding.  This is war, suckers; make no mistake.

1 comment:

  1. [Below-copied is fm]

    * * * * * * * * * *

    [QUOTE=ytkm;498969]Seriously. Accepting all of this Apo. , what about our niggers? Could they be a wild card?
    Any prediction there?[/QUOTE]

    * * * * * * * * * *

    For once in ur otherwise moronic life, u ask a legitimate question.

    Note there are blacks capable of Christian honesty--which is all Christianity is about in first place, never forget.

    But without a doubt, there are lots and lots of niggers, who let themselves be programmed and led-by-the-nose by Jews and their agents, like Al Sharpton, for example, prominent talking-head now at MSNBC, Obongo's personal network these days.

    Thus observe the Jew judges (along w. the "Jews"-media and edjumacation system) (a) ENCOURAGE niggers to murder whites and that whites are responsible for their lowly state in life, (b) and then reward nigger criminals w. lenient sentences after horrific crimes, (c) this IF the niggers are even prosecuted in the first place. (d) At same time whites, esp. of working-class, are prosecuted intensively for any semblence of any sort of "crime" whatsoever. (e) Same goes for the brown races, esp. the enemy, criminal invading races.

    So the niggers (and other allies of Jews) must & will be dealt w. along w. Jews and all their cohorts, naturally; it's very simple.

    Note Jews want crucially to keeping gentiles fighting one-another, as usual, as throughout history, and they (Jews), many of them, want to pretend Jews are white, part of the "white people," etc., these in contrast ("good-cops vs. bad-cops") to the leftist kikes who are outrightly anti-white and anti-"racist," pretending to being champions of humanity against "white racists" (but especially Christians).
