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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mysticism: what is it?--why is it done?--and how--and specifically, numerology

Mysticism: It's Basic Nature, The How And Why For It
(Apollonian, 19 Jun 13)

It's simple--and actually well known. The Talmudists (especially Kabbalists) have a well-known, notorious, absolute, psychopathic obsession w. numerology, numbers, numbers, numbers, insisting it all means something though never being able to say how w. any coherent precision.
Okay?--so now u know all u need to know. If u want to know why they "believe" in this numerological crap--U'RE NEVER NEVER NEVER going to know anything of any definiteness--they don't want u to know--they don't know themselves.
U understand MYSTICISM?--it's ultimately anti-Christ crap and puke. Mysticism by definition is UN-KNOWABLE, get it?--u can't know, and can NEVER know anything. Yet, u, as mystic, are supposed nonetheless to worship this putrid, idiotic filth.
Note mysticism as general style is NOT necessarily anti-Christ, reason being most people are incompetent and utterly at a loss when it comes to intellect, logic, and reason, etc., poor fools and morons--mostly, they just end-up fooling themselves, I'm sorry to say. Hence Christianity never holds the mystic style itself as a sin.
But, u see, these mystics--esp. the satanists at the top--want u thing THINK they know something "great and powerful"--when they don't--THIS IS THEIR WHOLE GAME. U need to figure this out.  All they want to do is to literally mystify u, getting u to question ur own knowledge of things (which isn't actually a bad thing--BUT they want u to be rendered incapable of any ultimate serious knowledge, u the victim left in a permanent state of incompetence and demoralization), imagining that these satanic scum actually know something when they really know nothing.
The object of the mystics is to get fools, suckers, and victims to become fascinated--like the cobra out of the basket which is mesmerized by the person playing the flute. It's now known, I understand, the cobra cannot actually make out any music--it's just rather hypnotized by the flowing movements of the person playing the flute.
So u're absolutely right to take note of this idiotic numerology these scum love to flaunt--but don't think there's any necessary real method or definite conclusion of substance to be observed--these are just satanistic puke who urgently need to be exterminated. Unfortunately, in the usual scheme of things, historically, satanists are often successful in getting the mass of brainless weaklings and morons to allow themselves to be killed, slaughtered, and wiped-out, this being way the world is rid of over-populated inferiors.
------------above essay by ap in response to below-copied------------------
zemblanity1 9:52 pm on June 18, 2013Permalink | Reply | Follow
I wonder if the constant use of the number 26 is related to the “26 Broadway” address in NYC which was the headquarters for Standard Oil owned by John D. Rockefeller? The address is famously tied to the Rockefellers. I was watching a documentary about the family and that address popped out. Just a thought.
iseelies 10:12 pm on June 18, 2013Permalink
  • Lynne had mentioned at one time that the 26 number may be tied to the UN in some respect. I did a little searching on the member countries and did discover that 17 countries were admitted to the UN on 12/14/55 – may just be a coincidence.
    I also wonder why they always use 13, 26 & 52 in their stories – all divisible by 13 – still trying to figure that nonsense out.
  • columjaddica 10:16 pm on June 18, 2013 Permalink

    Hard to say where the numbers significance originated from, but yeah I’m sure that all of these appearances of it are intentional.

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