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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Historical survey of descent of cultural ideal, corruption, "Decline of the West"--present (sad) state-of-affairs

Present-Day State Of The Culture: Jews--The Only Game In Town
(Apollonian, 1 Jun 13)
Of course, I've noted before: present day social reality and culture is a TOTAL JEW enterprise (Jews understood strictly as Talmudists, followers of the Pharisees who put Christ/TRUTH to death, according to New Test.). For Jews control the ULTIMATE WEAPON, the US Federal Reserve Bank (legalized) COUNTERFEITING scam which allows Jews and cohorts to owning/controlling everything and everyone w. only few exceptions.
Note then, Christ and Christianity stands for the OBJECTIVE (hence Aristotelian) reality, necessary criterion of any TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH ideal/value, according to Gosp. JOHN 14:6. Hence Christianity opposes, in Hegelian anti-thetical style, Jew lies (JOHN 8:44), Jews then standing for WHATEVER (lies) keeps Jews on top, ruling the roost--even to extent of sacrificing and expending the lower-level Jews.
So there u have the basic metaphysical (i.e., regarding nature of reality) opposites: OBJECTIVE vs. subjective--these then have necessary ETHICAL (and political) consequences/implications.
Thus Christian (objective) reality necessitates DETERMINISM--no perfectly "free" human will--only God's will prevails, always, in all things. Hence there's NO "good-evil" (Pelagian heresy); humans are sinners, always have been, always will be, and only God's grace can possibly get us into heaven.
Jew subjectivism (lies) insists upon a perfectly "free" human will, co-equal w. God's--in fact, according to Jew Talmud, the only reason God exists was/is to create his irresistable love-object, Jews, whom God worships.
Thus Jews insist upon "good-evil"--meaning serving and upholding Jews above all/anything else, no matter what (lies) it takes--EVEN lying to oneself, which lying, in fact, is what Jews do to themselves. But remember, in a subjective reality there's NO criterion, no truth, and anything could be true if u only WANT it to be--which is why Jews say u gotta have "faith" of the sort of BELEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIN', by which "beleeeeeeeeeeeevin'" u make whatever u want to be true--u become God (or co-equal thereto).
Thus note: Jews effectively make themselves to be God--by means of this corrupted concept of "faith." For true Christians "faith" only properly means LOYALTY.
Thus, as the original Christian civilization/culture (fm Roman times) became corrupted in inevitable HUBRIS (beginning in Renaissance), Christians evermore took on the Jew ideas of corrupt "faith" (whence one makes oneself God) and it's vehicle, "good-evil" heresy.
The practical effect then and now, in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, is institution of the present fiat-money (legalized COUNTERFEITING) institution which we know today as US Federal Reserve Bank (and equivalents) which just prints-up (nearly) endless amounts of funny-money--and which gives the powers nearly God-like power, they (Jews and accomplices) now owning and controlling practically everything and everybody.
So the "only game in town" now is the battle among the Jews at the top, as I noted above, the "leftist"-atheist -styled Jews of CFR/Trilateralist/Bilderberg vs. the "conservative" mystic-"religious" -types which include present "Judeo-Christian" hereticalists, as noted.
Such is the sad, truly horrible and tragic state-of-affairs for gentiles and true Christians--we now can only hope to benefit fm inevitable falling-out among the topmost criminals, the Jews, upon principle of "no honor among thieves."
The "leftist" Jews want to essentially exterminate most of human-kind by means of AGENDA-21; the "conservative"-mystic/"religious" Jews want to keep us around so they can continue to parasitize as they've done so successfully since Renaissance/Reformation--such is the movie presently playing at a theatre near you.

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