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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Place of Alex Jones within this totally Jewified society--and HOW to appreciate Alexei

Place Of Alexei Jones Within Present TOTALLY Jewified Society

(Apollonian, 1 May 13)

What’s this?–there’s someone here (“theMarcusAllen,” below) who doesn’t think Alexei Jones ( is outstanding teller-of-truth (at least for some things)?–fie upon u, buddy. Seriously though, Alexei certainly has some problems, but he needs be seen in context.

Well, I’ve gone over things regarding Alexei numerous times–Alexei has some serious problems: all his sponsors are JEWS–that’s BIG red-flag right there. Observe Alexei gets on Noory’s Coast-to-Coast (huge, big audience); Joe Farrah’s neo-con site,; total zionist, Mike Savage; and even Howard Stern, the sex-maniac/moron, ho ho ho.

Alexei’s wife is Jew, so are his kids, obviously; his dad’s in w. Jews for huge dental-office network. Jews, Jews, Jews–our entire society is Jew-centric, Jew-serving, Jew-sympathetic, one’s gotta remember this–which is TOTAL REVOLUTION FOR THE BASIC CHRISTIAN CULTURE we began with–people tooooooo easily forget this.

Not soooo long ago, EVERYONE HATED JEWS, simply as matter of course–for excellent reason (see what their Talmud teaches at and, which morons, goons, and fools (far too many people) of present-day have forgotten. And this hatred of Jews, again, as I noted, WAS BASIC to our culture–very few questioned it, the only ones who did were taking money fm u-know-who, ho ho ho.

In fact, as I’ve noted, the entire game, sociologically, now is simply the top RICH Jews of Bilderberg, Trilateralists, and CFR (which Alexei vociferously and vehemently opposes) vs. the lower-level Jews (who are yet immensely rich and wealthy in their own right) fronted by Alexei and Ron Paul who NEVER have a word to say against Jews–it’s the new “religion,” so to speak.

See the lower-level Jews (rightly) don’t trust the top Jews who are now seriously embarked upon “Agenda-21″ genocide. After all, lower-level Jews have it toooooooo good, still, don’t they?–they don’t want their gentile cattle and suckers offed too quickly, do they?–Jews still have it good here in USA, still making money off the gentile scum–they don’t want to give that up, see?

But note over the years Christianity has been RE-DEFINED as something closely related and sympathetic to Jews, u see–as in way of hereticalist “faith” of BELEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIN’–whence beleeeeeeeeeeeevin’ in something now actually makes it true.

But “faith” properly only means LOYALTY, that’s all. U can beleeeeeeeeeeeev all u want, but it doesn’t make lies true. For note if beleeeeeeeeeeeevin’ could make things true, it would mean that the “believer” was suddenly endowed w. God-like ability to create reality out of nothing, eh?

Another heresy–the worst, which also perfectly plays into hands of satanists–is the “good-evil” fallacy/delusion known fm St. Augustine as Pelagianism–it was sooooo persistent that it re-arose and was defended by the Roman Vatican and Erasmus against the Protestant hero, Martin Luther, who reminded us of St. Paul and St. Augustine and our hopeless DOOMED state as sinners. No “free” will or “faith” can change our sinful natures–and no one is “saved” but by God’s grace, that’s all.

So u see?–u gotta get some things STRAIGHT just for general info: First of all: get a clue–U’VE LOST, morons–we’re TOTALLY in the hands of satanists and Jews (Israel’s got nukes and they dominate the security firms which guard USA’s own nukes, Israeli agents [Jews in general and their sympathizers, including Alexei Jones] EVERYWHERE in USA and entire West).

BUT NOTE: THERE’S “NO HONOR AMONG THIEVES,” never forget–and this is our ONLY chance and advantage. (a) For there are mystic Jews (the “neo-cons” on the pretended “right”) who tolerate the Judeo-Christian (JC–see and for expo/ref.) heretics–who “beleeeeeeeeev” and who pretend to “good-evil” Pharisaism.

(b) The other large faction of Jews are the atheist, “leftists,” heavily subsidized by CFR-Trilateralists-Bilderbergers, who are allied w. the homosexuals and psychopathic leftists like communists as u’ll see and hear on MSNBC.

So now u see the place of such as Alexei Jones: he’s a “player,” and he needs merely TO BE USED for whatever he’s good for–which is still quite a bit, never doubt. Alexei gives truly excellent info against the ATHEIST, “leftist” faction of Jews at the top–they are totally serious about “Agenda-21″ GENOCIDE. And Alexei is actually QUITE HONEST in his idiot, red-neck, fat-headed way for being “tolerant” of Jews–the fat moron fell for that part of the revolutionized, Jewified Western culture of late modernity, courtesy of the US Federal Reserve Bank, and lately the Jew-tube (TV) which has affected so many fools, goons, and morons addicted to foot-ball games, etc.
  • I think it’s fine for some of us to follow certain people, others not. I think most of us here are skeptical of AJ after watching him for many years. I stopped listening to him after he pulled the Charlie Sheen breaking news hype. Well, I’ll listen if I’m in the car because I have digital radio. I don’t think AJ will ever expose the things we discuss here. You see that too Apollonian.
    One of the biggest components to these events, including 9/11 is media fakery but AJ refuses to even broach the subject. It’s the biggest thing that we need to show people. Anytime I have ever brought it up on youtube or my blog, nothing is attacked so fast. “They” are worried about more and more people becoming aware of it.
  • themarkusallen4:18 pm on May 1, 2013Permalink | Edit

    I’m usually skeptical of pied pipers who claim half their family are spooks, claims to have founded the state of Texas, and is an admitted Freemason – here’s the proof:
  • apollonian 4:46 pm on May 1, 2013Permalink | Edit

    Thanks for ur comments, good editor. Note the method where u and Alexei are similar and comparable: u consider details, and put them together for a coherent large picture, eh? U work on a slightly smaller scale, and like a good scientist, are much more careful for observation of facts (I think)–though u gotta admit Alexei is pretty good for his own observations, made on much larger scale, for larger audience–esp. considering his competition.
  • So u gotta admit, Alexei is good marketer/business-man, if nothing else.
    Ur science and methodology is actually then, more careful, more accurate, though Alexei does quite a good job, esp. considering his competition (gross neo-cons, Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, Savage, and Glenn Beck).
  • Considered properly–or at least in a certain, quite plausible way–Alexei makes ur work look good, eh? Thus Alexei pt.s the way–for distrust & scrutiny of establishment–and then u go further, w. tremendous, mind-boggling info.
  • I can assure u of one thing, for sure: those who appreciate Alexei, like myself, are thus conditioned quite well to appreciate ur tremendous info and methods, consisting of careful observation along w. meticulous, serious research/investigation.
  • I sincerely think that if Alexei would calm-down, take a deep breath or two, and just looked dispassionately at ur info he’d be impressed and would make due use of it. I suspect we need David Icke to pass the word to Alexei–Alexei un-questionably respects Icke, having had him on the show numerous times.
  • columjaddica 6:14 pm on May 1, 2013Permalink | Edit

    You know Alex Jones pretty much red-pilled me with his “9/11: Road to Tyranny” way back when. It seems to me that he introduces a lot of people, but then again he HAS to be a net loss for truth if he is allowed to remain popular. I knew my love with him was over when Drudge Report started linking to Infowars.
    BTW, I only recently started looking into 9/11 from the perspective of a hoax (ala Cluesforum). Amazing that the gatekeepers were able to keep me blind to the video flaws for so long. Really, if they can pull that scale of fakery off in Manhattan they can do anything. I imagine that some hundreds of people had to see things that didn’t jive with what they saw on TV, but told themselves they were crazy and kept quiet. TV wins!
  • apollonian 6:37 pm on May 1, 2013Permalink | Edit

    Well, let me re-capitulate (again): (a) within the TOTALLY Jewified society, (b) Alexei, along w. Ron Paul, takes side of the lower-level Jews, against “agenda-21,” etc. WE CAN AND SHOULD work w. this situation.
  • So, given his premises, Alexei, living within his all-Jew, all-the-time, universe, he favors the side of liberty, as he understands it. within his fat, red-neck’s head (takes one to know one, ho ho)–consistent w. what he considers “Christianity.”
  • And regardless, u gotta admit Alexei understands and knows lots of facts and details, knitting them together quite well and coherently–esp. given his premises.
    Alexei only looks not-so-good compared w. such as our editor, truth be told.
  • And all u gotta do, really, is to take his info, like about Bilderberg, Trilateralists, CFR, etc., and then go ONE STEP further–Jews.
  • columjaddica 6:41 pm on May 1, 2013Permalink | Edit

    Yeah, while I don’t dwell on the subject on this forum, it’s about impossible to ignore the prevalence of you-know-who’s around the things that ail us.
  • apollonian 6:43 pm on May 1, 2013Permalink | Edit

    Absolutely CJ: and that’s just it–it’s like they’re sacred cows–can’t touch them–don’t even think about it, ho ho ho

1 comment:

  1. Those that aren't jew wise / aware are just jew slow ... it's time to speed them up .

    The conservative / christian comment boards are a good as any to start with .

    Glenn beck's " the blaze " is a good place to start theirs plenty of semi smart but jew slow people on their that would get shattered in debates with the jew wise crowd

    Theirs a few jew wise / aware people on their , techengineer11 comes to mind . But he needs reenforcements against the jew slow zio con cronies over their .
