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Friday, May 3, 2013

Patriot heroes are inspired and hold-up, SO FAR, in Kansas, but they must face-up still to Spenglerian "Decline of West"

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Patriots Are Doomed, Long As US Dollar Holds Up
(Apollonian, 3 May 13)
This is tremendous, heartening, & outstanding development, people and states pushing-back against tyrants and criminals upon issue of Constitution and 2nd Amendment. Note the governor and state AG are, SO FAR, standing-fast resolutely PRECISELY because of informed citizen backing and support, this due to the ideology/philosophy of Jeffersonian concept of nullification, this greatly enhanced by Prof. Woods and his work, among others too.

But note 2nd amendment patriots are DOOMED nonetheless, and this is because of continuing holding-up of US Dollar as reserve currency, still, which tyrants will simply use to pay (however much it takes--they only need to print it all up, never forget) traitors and dupes who always out-number everyone else, to undermine the heroes and patriots--such is the tragic nature of things in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

Don't forget either, traitors and tyrants are well-led, no less than patriots, and these traitors are absolute psychopaths, satanically inspired. And ONLY hope is the utltimate COLLAPSE of US Dollar, primary weapon of tyrants, traitors, and criminals. Again, long as Dollar holds up, patriots are doomed.

So patriots must PLAN for the future--for the collapse of Dollar which will be truly horrific time of chaos, starvation, pillage by foreign and invading armies, and even plague, I'm afraid--how can they possibly hold-up?
Thus patriots must further UNITE upon even more basic principle of Christian TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6, also 8:32 and 18:37-8) above all/any other notions/ideals, truth thus depending upon Aristotelian concept of objective reality as premise/criterion.

For otherwise Christians and patriots will be under-mined and betrayed by false Christians, esp. the highly organized and traitorous "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo/ref.) hereticalists who support the terror-state of Israel.

Unfortunately, I'm afraid the good Prof. Woods rather avoids and over-looks these crucial observations for basic philosophy regarding NECESSARY Christian under-pinning of culture and present political struggle w. federal psychopaths and satanists.

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