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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Here's recent (yest.) dialectic with queers, ho ho ho

Below-copied dialectic fm

Criminal Yahoo corp. actively and heavily edits, censors, and manipulates these comments, generally, and in this particular case no less than TWO of my own comments were deleted.

So we see just WHY homosexuals are sooooo cordially hated by the rest of otherwise healthy humanity naturally hating these corrupt, perverted, and obsessed scum and criminals.

Observe the "bwana" character below attempting to take the psychologic offensive against apster--this is typical homosexual behavior, especially these days whence these scum are determined to take the children, for one principle thing, away fm their parents to make them their (homosexual) own and to fill their young minds w. queer propaganda.  And of course, the queers delete comments and responses, as I noted, in order to "spin" the dialectic in their favor (at least much as they can for their purposes and circumstances).


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apollonius • 17 hrs agoReport Abuse

Homosexuals are OBSESSED perverts who should be segregated fm healthy society. But I think we'll have to wait to the coming and imminent US Dollar collapse to be able to best take-care of these perverts who prey upon young kids who are too tolerant and trusting of perverts like the psychopath who wrote above story.

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Bwana • 17 hrs agoReport Abuse

Someone is obsessed alright, but it isn't the homosexuals.

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apollonius • 17 hrs ago

well, seeking homosexual sex is un-natural, irrational, in fact, anti-natural, a vain indulgence at best, a corrupt pursuit in practice. Homosexuals are un-healthy, and only obsession can explain their motivation. And history demonstrates that homosexuality only prevails during times of decadence, like the present "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

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Sherrynport • 17 hrs agoReport Abuse

Learn vocabulary -
Pedophile - a person who sexually abuses children
 Heterosexual - a person who prefers CONSENSUAL sex with the opposite sex
 Homosexual - a person who prefers CONSENSUAL sex with the same sex
 Rapist - a person who instigates NON-CONSENSUAL sex
Zoophile - a person who sexually abuses animals

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Bwana • 17 hrs agoReport Abuse

In your antiquated opinion Apollonius. Pretty funny you hold ancient Greeks in high regard.
[Apster made a response here which was deleted by the queers.]

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apollonius • 17 hrs ago

Actually, #$%$ arise during CYCLIC times of general perversion and recede during times of cultural health. Thus when philosophic objectivity is prevailing cultural rule, health prevails and #$%$ hide. But when lawlessness and criminality prevail--like present rule of US Federal Reserve Bank COUNTERFEITING--homosexuals crawl out fm under rocks--as we see here, for example.

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Laughing Eagle • 17 hrs agoReport Abuse
Apollo....Just the type of hate a pedophile would write to stay out of the spot light....!

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Bwana • 17 hrs agoReport Abuse

Whatcha compensating so furiously for Apollonius?

[Apster made another response at this pt. which was deleted by these pathetic queers.]

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Laughing Eagle • 16 hrs agoReport Abuse


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Bwana • 16 hrs agoReport Abuse

Raging anti-semetic.

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apollonius • a second agoRemove

Here's yet just another instance of the criminal Yahoo corp., allied w. the ZOG criminal corporations and conspiratorial Bilderberg/CFR/Trilateralists managing, censoring, and manipulating the comments sections of the spinned stories they post, employing Jews and homosexuals as trolls and editors taking out adverse commentary.

Observe the above comment by "laughing eagle," who writes, "reported!"--this was in answer to my complaint that my comment had been deleted by these criminals and perverted filth (of course, what really would one expect?). So there were two comments of mine deleted.

So we see, just in this little dialectic: (a) how this homosexual and Jew filth operate, and (b) why they are so roundly, popularly, and justifiably hated by the healthy portion of humanity who rightly despise these psychotics and criminals--these corrupt scum cannot stand rational discourse, incapable and obsessed as they are, oriented against reason in the first place, determined to impose their delusions and perversions upon the rest of society.


  1. The queer(s) could not resist coming back, ho ho ho


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    Bwana • 17 mins agoReport Abuse

    Yes you are deeply corrupted by ignorance and hate. Obsessed to the point of frothiness, with no credible arguments against marriage equality. Please quit trying to force your delusions and perversions upon the rest of society bigoted racist.

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    apollonius • a second agoRemove

    What "ignorance"?--of what facts?--this is just another of ur typical lapses in logic, eh? Ho ho ho. "Hatred"?--so what?--it's justified. Don't forget hatred is natural human emotion, the reciprocal of love. So "corruption" is in the natural, healthful, and rational despising of u criminals and psychotics, eh?

    "Frothiness"?--ho ho ho--can u cite an example? The simple argument against "marriage equality" for psychotics who call themselves "gays" is simply that it does no good, on the contrary, for the rest of healthy, rational society--it legitimizes criminals and psychotics.

    "[D]elusions and perversions"?--like what?--do u detect a missing "leg" to be standing upon?

    "[B]igoted"?--don't u mean simply principled?--and isn't there most excellent reason to be so justifiably prejudiced against u psychos, criminals, and enemies of society?

    And "racist"?--so what? Racism is simply LOYALTY to one's extended family, the race. Irrationalist and deluded as u are, u need to explain why such loyalty is not rather outstanding virtue, don't u think? Ho ho ho

    Finally, note the outstanding demonstration, just in this little dialectic we've had here in comments section, which so well demonstrates the natural and fully justified anti-pathy which healthy humanity has for u perverts, criminals, and psychotics who call urselves "gay."

    U're obviously incapable of simplest rational discourse, and observe the way u moronic perverts attempt to take psychologic offensive against those who disagree w. u, deleting any dissent to artificially make urselves look better, ho hoho. Humanity hates u and ur criminal Jew accomplices for most excellent and evident reason, eh? U all need to be eradicated, plague as u are upon society.


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    Bwana • 2 mins 12 secs agoReport Abuse

    You are blinded by the blackness of hate in your heart that is eating away your mortal soul. I will enjoy your future anguish. Not a single truth to your post. Rationale for your lack of humanity.

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    apollonius • a second agoRemove

    "Blind"--to what?--u're a bunch of irrationalist psychos who want to push ur irrationality and obsession upon the non-homo public, and u want to persecute those like myself who disagree w. and resist ur oppression.

    Yes, we hate u, but it's perfectly justified, hatred being necessary to resist enemies, criminals, and psychotics. "[E]ating" my "mortal soul"?--ho ho ho--u wish, psycho.

    And yes, we well understand u enjoying anguish of others--that's normal for psychos, isn't it? "Not a single truth"?--tell us what is truth--is it in accord w. perception of objective reality? People hate u gays--isn't that the truth? So now u dictate laws to force people to tolerate ur psychopathology and criminality.

    "Lack of humanity"?--here I am attempting to reason w. u, psychotic as u are, but u're incapable in ur contempt for reason, health, and people's right to resist u criminals and psychos?


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    Bwana • 6 mins agoReport Abuse

    "Blind"--to what?--u're a bunch of irrationalist psychos who want to push ur irrationality and obsession upon the non#$%$ public, and u want to persecute those like myself who disagree w. and resist ur oppression." Frothy indeed.

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    Bwana • 3 mins 6 secs agoReport Abuse

    Hatred is an emotion based in fear and ignorance. It is never justified. Your ignorance is obvious as there is nothing "criminal" or "psychotic" in being gay. Nothing "natural", "healthful" or "rational" about your opinion. It clearly is your attempt to justify and rationalize your irrational hatred of what you know nothing about and fear.

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    Bwana • 17 secs agoReport Abuse

    "The simple argument against "marriage equality" for psychotics who call themselves "gays" is simply that it does no good, on the contrary, for the rest of healthy, rational society--it legitimizes criminals and psychotics." And you are simply wrong. Homosexual marriages provide exactly the same benefits to society that heterosexual marriages do, and on average homosexual parents raise healthier, better adjusted children who go on to become better contributors to society as adults. Again your lies are clearly an attempt to justify and rationalize your irrational hatred of what you know nothing about and fear.

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    apollonius • a second agoRemove

    "Bwana": hatred is perfectly natural and normal; do u deny it's reciprocal emotion to love?--if u love something then automatically, necessarily, one must hate the anti-thesis, generally speaking. Thus to love health is to hate psychopathology like homosexuality which is obvious, purposeless obsession which produces nothing.

    "Frothy" means superficial, shallow, un-substantial, but my statement is well-founded in experience (a), and (b) is shared by many if not most other people who hate and despise u homosexuals. Why do people hate u gays, and if dear Christianity preaches against u criminals isn't there excellent good reason?

    Marriage is instituted to legally sanction the healthy union of male & female in order to promote the production of healthy off-spring--something which is impossible, even destroyed, by gay "marriage" which is obscene travesty, a gesture of contempt towards society and humanity.

    U lie blatantly when u falsely assert homosexual parents raise healthier children, and u give no references or citations to back this up. It's impossible for homosexuals to produce children--which anyone w. 3/4 of a brain easily understands--yet u spout this OBVIOUS nonsense as if everyone else will idiotically just accept ur stupidity and propaganda.

    U further lie when u say I "know nothing about" homosexuals, homosexuality, etc.--how could u possibly, conceivably know this. Homosexuality, in fact, is pushed in everyone's faces, esp. on the "Jews-media," like criminal Yahoo corp., among all the others too.

    "Bwana": u need to face-up to simple fact--u're the face and front, at least one of them, of the genocidal, fascist Jew world order intent upon "agenda-21" mass-murder ("de-population"), and evermore folks know it perfectly well. U're engaged in war, just as u're engaged in propaganda war presently. U've failed, u poor fool. Won't u ever face reality?

  4. "Bwana" added the following just before I published my last comment, above:

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    Bwana • 27 mins agoReport Abuse

    Your bigotry is obvious. Bigotry is not principled. Oppressing others is not moral, thus not principled.

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    Bwana • 26 mins agoReport Abuse
    Racism is loyalty? That's a rich one. Nope, racism is again a reflection of your ignorance and hatred based in fear of what is different. You transcend racism to xenophobic.

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    Bwana • 25 mins agoReport Abuse

    Seek help, get better soon Greek lover.

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    Bwana • 25 mins agoReport Abuse

    Correct, not a single truth to your rationales.

  5. So--I added the below-copied:

    apollonius • a second agoRemove

    "Bwana": below definition is to be found on-line at theFreeDictionary--ck it for urself. "Superior," as below-noted, obviously can be understood as worthiness for loyalty. "Hatred or intolerance" is obviously mere negative way of expressing loyalty towards one's own--in contrast to antipathy to others. Think about it, moron. Ho ho ho ho ho


    rac•ism (ˈreɪ sɪz əm)

    1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usu. involving the idea that one's own race is superior.
    2. a policy, system of government, etc., based on such a doctrine.
    3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.


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    Bwana • 13 mins agoReport Abuse

    Simplistic view of hate that is incorrect. Hate is based on fear and ignorance. What a load of lies, yet again. Check the studies on children raised by same sex couples. Ask this nation's pediatricians who have endorsed marriage equality for the health, safety and well being of children. Marriage is a legal contract. There is no prerequisite that a couple has the ability to procreate. Ask any of the hundreds of thousands of children of homosexuals about their parents inability to procreate. All you apparently know about homosexuality are the lies you want to believe.

    "u're the face and front, at least one of them, of the genocidal, fascist Jew world order intent upon "agenda-21" mass-murder ("de-population")", fanatically frothy.

    And by the way, homosexuals are not "psychopahological, criminal, purposeless, obscene, contemptuous, unable to procreate...." etc. But you certainly are.

    Seek help, I hope you get better soon.

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    Bwana • 13 mins agoReport Abuse


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    Bwana • 13 mins agoReport Abuse

    Don't know what happened, it happens.

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    apollonius • a second agoRemove

    Ok, there it is again--that was strange, it disappearing and now re-appearing. So here's latest rebuttals for u, "bwana":

    So what if hate is based upon fear and ignorance?--what diff. does that make?--it's also based upon sheer repugnance too, eh? Homosexuals are the natural fellow-travelers of Jews, they going together soooo often--that's one good reason for hatred right there. Okay, so u like Hebrews--and that's yet another demonstration of ur inhumanity, isn't it?

    What "studies" of "same sex couples"?--u mean the ones done by gays which are obviously stacked to second and support ur irrationality? How could same sex couples generate children?--impossible. Only way to get kids is by procuring them through corrupt state agencies, eh?

    Why bother w. corrupt and depraved "pediatricians" who support u criminals and psychos?

    Marriage is legal contract, yes, but only under rational conditions--it's not allowed to pre-pubescent kids for obvious reasons--it doesn't benefit a rational state or commonwealth of citizens--same goes for u psychotics. Only way for homosexuals to "pro-create" would be outside the marriage--can't u see how un-natural and irrational that is?

    See "bwana": we're not going to tolerate u psychopaths; u're doomed; we're gonna get our hands on u, and it isn't going to be pretty. Ur only chance is/was to keep things clandestine, but u don't want that; u rather want to push ur irrationality in people's face, and there's price to pay--and u can't say u weren't warned.


  7. Bwana • 4 mins 17 secs agoReport Abuse

    Reality is a liberal conspiracy against you obviously. Enjoy your hatred. It's a blackness in your heart eating your mortal soul away. Soon you'll be enjoying the bitter taste of the bile rising in your throat. It's a shame, but willful ignorance is a self-inflicted malady only you can begin to cure. Please get better soon. Without an credible arguments against marriage equality, only the oppressive tactics of a bully, as that's all you have beyond your lies, there is obviously no discussion to be had here. Cya.

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    apollonius • a second agoRemove

    Well the US Federal Reserve Bank is confirmed and known as simply legalized COUNTERFEITING, and it's ruling power, conspiracy fact, proven, and "liberal" is mere buzz-word cover for fascism. Psychotic scum like u homosexuals will be exterminated and rational, moderate hatred is necessary--just think of it as a negative love, ho ho ho.

    "Marriage for homosexuals" is patent absurdity & brings no benefit to rational, Christian society. U're the bullies who want to come-out of "closet" which is only place psychos like u homosexuals can practice ur perversions successfully. No, there never was any rational "discussion" possible but dealing w. Jew-oriented propaganda, u homosexuals their accomplices.
