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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Idealists like Hoffman just don't "get it" for bannings--practicality requiring embracing "anti-semite" label as badge of honor

[Below-copied sent to Hoffman at his latest blog.  Hoffman chose NOT to publish my comment, ho ho ho--is that TYPICAL (hypocrisy--be sure to ck his blog to see what he's talking about) or what?  A.]

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Impractical Idealist Hoffman Laments His Bannings For Analysis Of Judaism And Jews' Machinations
(Apollonian, 15 May 13)

I totally disagree w. ur analysis for ur being banned (see Hoffman's latest blog at  And I consider I know quite a bit about the situation as to why people are banned.

U seem to fail to understand satanic powers control things generally by specific means of the legalized COUNTERFEIT scam of US Federal Reserve Bank, controlled by Jews, Jews the leaders of organized satanism.  Naturally, these satanists will work to ban someone who's capable of analyzing their PRIMARY weapon, that funny-money machine, the Fed.

Sociologically then, satanists on one end of the political pole vie against true Christian soldiers at other end.  MOST people, fools, goons, and suckers, are in-btwn these polar opposites, and will be content long as the economy is relatively "prosperous"--they don't and never have cared about anything other than "bread & circuses."

Only when absolute catastrophe happens will more of the in-btwn people begin to getting wise, and these will need most active, practical leadership which idealist-types like urself, Mr. Hoffman, are incapable of giving.

So quit feeling sorry for urself--such is nature of CYCLIC course of history in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler


Only way to going forward for patriot, Christian, and human victory against Jews and associated satanists and psychopaths is to EMBRACE being called "anti-semite"--simply proper obedience to God.  Thus reality is OBJECTIVE (Aristotle) and determined (no perfectly "free" will), hence CYCLIC, and we just gotta endure.

Meantime, there are indubitably things to be done--and that's preaching the REAL, true Christianity, esp. against the hereticalist accomplices of Jews among gentiles, beginning w. the largest, most powerful faction of them, the Judeo-Christians (JCs--see and for expo/ref.) who say Christ was Jew and support terror-state of Israel.

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