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Saturday, September 1, 2018

Thoroughly corrupt, satanic judiciary strikes again, soooo predictable....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Corrupt Judiciary Rules In Favor Of satanism, Lies--What Did U Expect?
(Apollonian, 1 Sep 18)

Here we go again, folks: this outrageous travesty, legal suit against Ajax Jewns (, is fueled by satanism, the satanic society, and its primary, ruling, controlling instrument, the (practically) INFINITE fiat-currency of central-banking (see; use site search-engine)--now u see how satanism and empire-of-lies operates.

Thus such infinite currency is key and crucial satanic invincible weapon by which the central-banking powers literally own and control nearly all politicians, judges, and as we see, the Jews-media, also public edjumacation, not to mention many other monopolies too, like "big Pharma," pushing poison drugs and vaccines, and the agricultural monopolies growing the poison GMO foods.

So u see how the satanic state operates and stands, a complex of inter-locking subsidiary monopolies, exerting evermore power over the captive people, all ruled and controlled by the big, top-most monopoly at the pinnacle, the central bank, literally legalized counterfeiting, a criminal-enterprise, putting-out infinite currency, owning everything and everybody, the people's wealth, savings, and value destroyed, the people themselves to be destroyed as by Agenda-21 and -2030 "population-reduction."

But then don't these scummy, stinking puke, called "the people," DESERVE the death, horror, and misery they bring upon themselves?--after all, they ARE over-populated--at least for the stupid scum--there's just tooooo many of them.

Thus the CYCLE of hist. observes the original generations of the later empire producing, working hard, winning victories, achieving success and "prosperity," BUT at same time, steadily raising-up evermore CORRUPT following generations filled w. HUBRIS, becoming evermore satanic, as we see.

Thus corrupt following generations become hubristic, not having to work hard like their predecessor generations, pretending to non-existent "good-evil," insisting now upon a false, hence subjectivistic reality, which they create themselves by means of group-think, Jews, the masters of such "group-think," most collectivist, most organized--SATANISM. See also Gosp. JOHN 8:44. Check,, and for expo on satanic Jew Talmud.

Hence humanity needs REVIVAL, resurrection of original Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against Jew/satanic lies (JOHN 8:44). Thus TRUTH cannot exist without the under-lying OBJECTIVE (Aristotle) reality, opposing Jew/satanic subjectivism, objectivity being necessary basis of such truth.

But of course, hubristic, satanic, over-populated scum will never accept truth as proper object of worship--UNTIL many of them begin to seriously suffering and even dying-off and -out. Only then does a surviving remnant have a chance to organize and be effective against the satanic master-minds who have far less slaves to provide funding and soldiers, master-minds beginning to in-fight. Such is the CYCLIC course of history in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

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