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Monday, September 10, 2018

Indeed: "sedition" and TREASON is nature of "globalists," "globalism," BUT it's ALSO treason following and serving Israeli terror-state, no less, fools--get a clue, scum....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Cognitive Dissonance Involved In Sedition And Treason, Don't Forget
(Apollonian, 10 Sep 18)

It's certainly true there's "sedition" and treason as indicated by cartoonist, Garrison, by (fake) "left" and "globalists," these traitors trying to overthrow Constitution and national sovereignty in favor of world dictatorship and Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE ("population-reduction").

BUT what Garrison and others don't tell us is (fake) "right" and "neo-cons," led by Trump, Ajax Jewns (, et al., are equally treasonous in favor of Israeli terror-state--as we observe in Syria this very moment, USA, now Jew S A, involved in illegal, un-Constitutional war and warfare.

Note also amazing fact "left" "globalists" don't even begin to mentioning criminal terror-state of Israel dominating and leading Trump and "neo-cons" by the nose, "wagging the dog."

Another thing being covered-up is the top, lead, PRIMARY instrument for all this treason is the central-bank (see for expo), legalized counterfeiting machine, pumping-out that nearly INFINITE currency ("inflation") funding and financing all the treason, sedition, and dis-info, as by George Soros, for example, at the same time as destroying value of the currency unit, destroying and impoverishing the people, leading them ineluctably to slavery and genocide--accurately noted by Kunstler, the author.

Poor, stupid people, addicted to EXCESSIVE stupidity and HUBRIS (mostly upon pretext of non-existent "good-evil")--even though, at least they seem to understand "globalism" and "world gov." is such a fraud--yet they don't want to face-up to the monstrous Israeli terror-state taking their "money" (really just currency), getting them involved in ruinous, truly suicidal wars and warfare, etc.

But stupid people, of such gross, insistent stupidity, must die-out and -off, just a necessity of nature, as we see. So survivors and those of discernment MUST grasp necessity of opposing this satanic dictatorship and fraud being perpetrated by phony, fake "left" and "right," satanism being essentially extreme subjectivism, making oneself God, "creating" reality, as by Judaic Talmud (see,, and for expo on Jew "midrash" and subjectivism).

Real, hence anti-semitic, anti-satanic Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence OBJECTIVE reality (necessary basis of truth), must be taken-up by patriots generally, and specifically, adoption of REAL MONEY, commodity-based, hence gold/silver, and genuine Constitutional gov., consisting of states-rights, nullification, and secession (see's got to happen if humanity is to be saved, suckers; get a brain, fools.

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