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Wednesday, September 19, 2018

ANOTHER moronic charade by fakey, phony "right" and "left" to cover the gross TREASON, Israeli-terror state wagging Jew S A "dog"....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Moronic Charades, So Far Successfully Covering-Up Disaster Of American Leadership--In Hands Of TRAITORS, Enemies
(Apollonian, 19 Sep 18)

What an absolutely AMAZING, brainless, idiotic travesty of a farce all this "Kavanaugh" for Sup. ct. crap really is--NOTHING but a sideshow, distraction, and diversion, folks.

For note what's REALLY going on: Obola and his entire admin, including especially the dept. of Justice (DOJ) and FBI are CAUGHT red-handed conspiring treasonously against citizens, a candidate for an election (and hence the election itself), and now the sitting Pres.--so these idiot Democrats seem to imagine they can get people to overlook that Dems are now effectively trying to cover-up this gross criminality of Dems, including the criminality of their former candidate, hitlery Clinton.

So we get this amazing, idiotic charade, going-on now btwn "globalist" "leftists" (Democrats) vs. Israel-first traitors and "neo-cons" on the pretended "right."

Thus the "globalists" (traitors against US national sovereignty) try to paint the pretended "rightist" Israel-first traitor, Trump, to being "dangerous," etc.

And the Israel-first traitor, pretends he stands-up for America, America-first (a gross, obvious lie--giving away American tax-payer money to Israeli terror-state), and national sovereignty.

So this battle btwn TRAITORS is what's actually going now, folks--the charade involving Kavanaugh, a total "swamp-creature" who worked for both Clinton and Bush, just the latest episode.

Thus the "leftist" "globalists" don't have the basic guts to pt-ing out Trump's treason for Israel-first--GOES TO SHOW both factions, phony "left" vs. phony "right" work for Israel, doesn't it?--what an idiot, moronic charade!

And of course, the stupid, over-populated goons of Jew S A seem to think it's all jolly great entertainment, don't they?--long as they have their "bread and circuses," eh?

But currency and economy are collapsing even as we speak, and when the "tribulations" begin to bite and more seriously affect these stupid scum, called "people," that's when some of them ("people") may begin to doing some serious thinking and realizing what filthy traitors Jews and Jewwy suck-alongs really are--and how they've taken over.

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