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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Note ethics is perfectly "scientific" as any other science; substance of it may be diff. for individuals, but still it can be logically consistent as anything....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Ethics Is No Less Scientific Than Any Other Science
(Apollonian, 4 Sep 18)

Newsflash: "ethics" and "morals" are NO DIFF. science than any other science, as ethics and morals merely have to do w. ends and means being logically consistent--get a clue--means must serve ends, without contradiction. Ends might be anything, given only circumstance. There's no "good-evil" as entire hist. of philosophy has demonstrated--"good-evil" is TOTALLY subjective.

And this ethical science is verified by Christ in New Test. who begins w. the metaphysical principle of Aristotelian objective reality, basis of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), this objectivity in stark contradiction and opposition to subjectivism ("midrash") of Jews/Pharisees, basis of their lies and lying (JOHN 8:44). See also,,, and for expo on Judaism/Pharisaism/Talmudism.

And the following (Christian) ethics, fm metaphysics, is given by Christ both in way of explicit formulations, all consistent w. his (mostly implicit) metaphysics, and in way of examples--which is much what Gospels are all about.

So therefore, for us, our task is to be consistent w. Christian ethics and (hence) God's will, esp. as Christ has made known to us--it isn't difficult in the determinist world of objective reality and absolute cause-effect.

Thus satanic Jews (a redundancy) make themselves co-equal w. God, w. perfectly "free" will, Jews being the purpose of God, God the servant and slave of Jews who murders goyim for the Jews' benefit, as at Passover and Purim holydays, etc.

Such then is the ethical "art" and abstract lesson--staying consistent, best we can, w. TRUTH (= Christ), contending, best we can, against Jew/satanic lies, lying, and liars--and remember there are lots more goyim liars and satanists (subjectivists) than Jews, Jews merely being most collectivist, making lies and satanism/subjectivism their very RELIGION, Jews most adept, most ORGANIZED, w. most effective "group-think," hence natural leaders of satanism, as we see, and as hist. shows.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

Anonymous September 2, 2018 at 6:31 PM

All basic research, in any field, begins innocently without regard to morality or questions of ethics. Once a person is trained in the methods of research and the rules of the scientific method, these principles can be applied to any problems. Researchers can be paid to perform such functions either in or out of a so called "university setting". Most investigators are fooled, at least at the outset, that their discoveries will only be put to "good" use and not to "evil" use.

Today such questions are not even addressed at all. After all even Ph.D. level scientists must survive don't they? They often have families like all the rest and must raise them. Money runs the show. In fact it is easier on their consciences, if they have any, not to mention the places their basic research might lead.

Such questions could turn them against doing their work for those paymasters who seek their aid. All new discoveries can be used for good, whatever that is, or evil, whatever that is, if no moral compass is available. At bottom, most people are little more than whores doing anything for MONEY. So long as they cannot be pinned with the ultimate crimes or human suffering or destruction of property with their discoveries, who cares so long as the checks clear and pay green dollars to spend and survive on?

So we have highly trained skilled Ph.D.'s in many fields from physics to engineering to chemistry to psychology and on and on and on, selling their souls for MONEY and justifying doing new research which may very well end up killing their own families! This is the result of lack of informed consent in the lack of disclosure of what could result from new research discoveries. It is no different than a military recruiter who makes a few thousand bucks every time he gets a new duped recruit to sign on the dotted line without disclosing all the risks of going to war. Basic research can also lead to war and evil and destruction too. Winfield J. Abbe, Ph.D., Physics

P.S. Just say NO. Go on strike. Refuse to work for these scoundrels and liars and those who would destroy the planet and earth and all human civilization. Stop being a prostitute with a Ph.D. degree for MONEY. Use your ten year acquired skills for the benefit of mankind, not evil destruction of mankind.

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