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Sunday, July 29, 2018

"untouchable power of military/security"?--really?--but isn't there something behind that?--like the central-bank?--and then the abysmal stupidity of over-populated goons, scum, and puke?....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Roberts Is Accurate, Far As He Goes, But There's Something Behind "Military/Security"
(Apollonian, 29 Jul 18)

Roberts writes about "...the untouchable power of the military/security complex...," but how and why is it so "untouchable"? So is there anything behind this "military/security complex"?--well, of course there is, and that's the central-bank. See for expo; use their search-engine.

Thus the central-bank finances and funds everything, including "military/security complex," even though this "complex" then enforces and protects the central-bank criminals. One goes with the other, necessarily, but in terms of cause-effect, the central-bank enables the "military/security complex."

So Roberts is surely correct and accurate for all he reports and observes, BUT he still fails to FULLY grasp the central-bank problem, a criminal enterprise, literally legalized counterfeiting, which criminal activity gets by, NOT BECAUSE of the "military/security complex," but FIRST by the simple HUBRIS and stupidity of the people, an over-populated mass of goons, scum, suckers, fools, and puke who, like children, don't want to face-up to simple reality--u need gold/silver, AND CAN'T DO WITHOUT IT, morons.

"Military/security complex" then just ensures this stupidity of the over-populated goons, called "the people," is insulated, not addressed or treated properly, left isolated, so that the central-bank may continue.

So the stupid goons ("the people") allow the "military/security complex" as part of the deal starting w. the central-bank featuring (practically) INFINITE currency--not real MONEY, commodity-based, hence gold/silver, which real money is FINITE. For the stupid goons prefer the (nearly) infinite currency, the puke being the stupid puke they are and have become.

Is there any solution?--no, the corruption will necessarily continue until the stupid puke ("the people") are killed-off and begin to seriously dying-out. Such is "the way" of all "flesh." Such is "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

So Christian patriots can only wait and watch, hoping to avoid the worst of the death and destruction WHICH MUST TAKE PLACE (to a certain extent), but hoping to survive the worst of it, praying they won't be totally exterminated.

In the meantime, Christian patriots can and must speak-out about the truth--and this is their ONLY CHANCE for survival. Thus while the goons and brainless scum continue to using the CURRENCY, the real human beings must use the real thing, gold/silver--let the goons and scum kill themselves off--this is the only thing to be done for survival of humanity.

Infinite currency DESTROYS and kills; real money, even though limited and FINITE, preserves humanity and even provides for prosperity--but this lesson can only be learned the HARD WAY--such is the human condition.

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