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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Hoffman, same old, same old psycho, Pelagian herecalist, now wants to impress Jews by demonizing unc' Adolf--how clever, eh?--ho ho ho ho....

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Hoffman, Heretic, Psycho, Charlatan, Lately Demonizes Hitler
(Apollonian, 27 Jul 18)

Mike A. Hoffman II has come out w. his latest blog-article, yesterday, 25 July 2018, Hoffman seeking to demonize dear Unc' Adolf. Hoffman again assures us he's done significant research and has un-covered the fact that Hitler was really a miserable person and leader and was responsible for the Russian invasion disaster--how earth-shattering.

In his article, w. only one plausible exception, Hoffman offers no actual facts to backing-up his assertions, but simply says his proof for these assertions are in his newsletter, and we have to buy it to see them. Sorry Mikey-mike, but it's a poor and sorry argument u give, (a), and (b) we already know what a passive-aggressive, self-righteous, Pelagian heretic and psycho u really are, and we have evidence in ur amazingly incompetent work, "Usury In Christendom...," wherein u demonstrate how little u actually know about money and banking or economics in general. See .

For Hoffman's effort is always merely to demonstrate what a pious and moralistically virtuous person he is. Hoffman desperately wants to impress Jews w. what a great guy he really is--and look, he hates Hitler--how about that? So we see Hoffman is no historian, certainly no economist, but rather a moralistic, pushing the fallacious, child's "good-evil," all in honor of his buddies, Jews--and other moralistics too, no doubt.

Hoffman prints the texts of several e-mails which rather defend Hitler, and one of the e-mails actually notes the incredible supplying of the Soviets by USA "lend-lease" materials which were truly prodigious by every estimation, by numerous observers fm all nationalities. Hoffman moronically rejects the plain facts about US supply of the Soviets for the simple food necessities, both for army and general population, and then for the strategic quantities of TRUCKS which rendered the Soviet forces nearly instantaneously motorized, lending tremendous mobility and speed and which all was demonstrated in the Stalingrad campaign, after over a yr of steady shipments and deliveries fm America.

Lots more can be said for details regarding German military considerations at the time. Most of all, we should never forget the Germans were under attack by Western forces, including especially the USA, Roosevelt (FDR) encouraging Britain and France to attack and declare war when these powers were KNOWN not to be capable of over-powering Germany, no more than they were during the first world war. FDR continued to encourage Britain even after France had fallen. So the instigation for war was un-questionably on part of West, and esp. the Jew-dominated (even then) USA.

Thus the real truth is that Germany was, once again, like before the first world war, under attack by Judeo-bolshevist forces, though the bolsheviks didn't get completely established until after the first world war. But bolshevism was and is the spirit behind that basic world-dictatorship impulse and theme, as of League of Nations and the later United Nations (UN) which now works to exterminate and genocide people and nations, as we see them doing so brilliantly and subtly by means of poison drugs, vaccines, GMO food and food-additives, poisoned water and even poisoned atmosphere by means of the "chem-trail" particles, etc.

And Hitler?--unc' Adolf was the best man for leadership of anti-bolshevism available, everything considered, and it's also the fact that the West subsidized Hitler and the German military, no less than they subsidized and nursed the bolsheviks--the Western plutocrats wanted war far more than the Germans who were cursed w. the task of actually fighting it for humanity against Judeo-bolshevism.

But the amazing, smug, passive-aggressive psycho, Hoffman, cares not for facts, u see; he merely wants people and Jews to know and to think he beleeeeeeeevs in moralism, including esp. "good-evil." For Hoffman, purpose of history is to serve moralism; TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) is mere side-issue for him, regardless his pompous protestations and patronizing lectures and sand-bagging.

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