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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Real lesson of JFK regards ultimate satanic power which stupid people can't, WON'T grasp--infinite currency (not real money) is DEADLY....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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The REAL Tragedy Of JFK
(Apollonian 12, Jul 18)

Surely a great part of JFK tragedy is the "learned helplessness" induced upon the people who largely understand the gov. lied and continues to lie, beginning at least w. the "Warren Report" which DENIED conspiracy--public KNOWS it was conspiracy. So public KNOWS gov. and elements of establishment, like Jews-media, are lying liars.

Beyond this un-questionable conspiracy idea, things get vague for the public knowledge. Another thing covered-up is the great power of Israel which ensued fm the assassination, esp. w. ascendency of LBJ (Johnson), who was a Jew, descended fm Jews--that ought to say a lot right there.

But the goons, morons, scum, suckers, fools, and filth who are vastly over-populated among "the people," are also trained to suppress anti-semitism and other natural and healthy impulses, like racial loyalty--all part of the cultural "learned helplessness" induced upon them in guise of "morality," the poor, brainless morons.

But I submit for the public's knowledge one thing ought to be understood about the ULTIMATE human and economic power which had to have signed-off on the JFK assassination, and that's the central-bank, US Federal Reserve (see for expo on central-banking).

And the people ought to know that central-banking is a criminal enterprise, literally legalized counterfeiting, by its very nature, the issuing of INFINITE CURRENCY, not real money. For only real money, commodity-based (like gold/silver), protects the people while currency is a fraud and steadily impoverishes the people.

Observe then how ABSTRACT these connections are for the people to be able to grasp and understand--it's HOPELESS that all or even most can possibly understand as the temptation for idea of INFINITE currency seems to be too strong and compelling.

Thus the ONLY thing that will benefit folks in long-run will be collapse of the present central-bank and currency system--BUT which will entail horrific economic consequences, including un-employment and even, in some cases, STARVATION. In such dire economic circumstances then, the real facts about JFK assassination will seem merely mundane and even quite irrelevant.

Such then is the tragedy, I submit--if only the stupid, brainless scum could possibly look just beyond their very stupid noses--but they won't as they're trained too well for a suicidal "moralism," utterly false and deadly, all founded in subjectivism and wishful thinking, these brainless scum imagining thus they're "morally virtuous" thereby, poor doomed fools. There's a lesson to be learned, esp. about false moralism and Pharisaism, but it also isn't easy.

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