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Saturday, July 21, 2018

It's good thing to know what u're talking about, like Christianity, before u go bashing and trashing it, eh?--ho o ho oho....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Christianity Is Worship Of Truth, Absolutely Opposed To Jew/satanic Lies, Lying
(Apollonian, 21 Jul 18)

As conscientious Christian I must caution u that FIRST u need to grasp and understand what Christianity is in the first place. For the funny and comical thing is I note certain people (like ur buddy, Cesar Tort, rail and rave, and they don't even know what the heck they're talking about, esp. when it comes to Christianity. For Christianity is simply worship of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against satanic lies (JOHN 8:44). And u can confirm this about Christianity simply by reading the text.

And note then in the text, Christ carries on a distinct dialectic w. the Jews, led by Pharisees, whom Christ reviles, calling the Pharisees heretics, "serpents and vipers," who are doomed to heck. Christianity is OPPOSED to Judaism, Christ up-holding the original Torah--against the Pharisees, who then plotted to kill Christ, as they HATE truth (= Christ). But truth cannot be killed and always resurrects, as New Test. text teaches.

For Pharisaism features Oral Law Tradition and "midrash" (see Gosp. MARK 7:13) by which they "interpret" the original Torah to meaning whatever Jews want it to mean.

Thus Christianity thereupon features an ethical system, which ethics is what impresses and inspires so many, examples noted by the Christ figure/character of the New Test. text, which follows fm the basic metaphysics, Christian objectivity, foundation for TRUTH (= Christ) against Jew/satanic lies, founded in subjectivism. See,, and for expo on Judaism/Talmudism. Note again, that basic opposition/anti-theses, objectivity (Christianity) vs. subjectivism (Judaism/satanism).

For Judaism is most practical, successful form of satanism, satanism being basically extreme subjectivism, holding mind/consciousness being creator of reality, making oneself God. Thus Judaism is mere specific form, a collectivistic subjectivism, the Jews then co-operating in most sublime group-think, Jews most organized, cohesive, best-led satanists, thus dominating all the other, including gentile, satanists, even though gentiles far out-number Jews.

Note further, historically, Christianity is best, most effective anti-semitism which Christianity and truth inspiration is foundation of Western culture, which took Jews hundreds upon hundreds of yrs to finally subvert w. the help of legions and millions, even billions, of hubris-infused and corrupt gentiles in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, West now submerged in profound HUBRIS.

For note Jews couldn't possibly succeed without these millions of gentiles who help them and serve them--observe the present-day "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) heretics who support terror-state of Israel. "Free-masons" are another notorious group of subjectivists.

What is it that has so miserably subverted organized, establishment Christianity?--it has to be the subjectivist idea that "beleeeeeeeeeeving" can actually create or substitute for reality, and that this "beleeeeeeeeeving" then is some sort of virtue. But obviously "beleeeeeeeeving" doesn't make anything true, this "beleeeeeeeeeving" now mere gentile version of the very same Jew lies and lying, pretending that "beleeeeeeeving" can create reality--but actually being mere satanic pretext, as only God creates, and this hereticalist "beleeeeeeeeving" ideal mere version of same old Jew subjectivism.

So I just wanted to bring-up this idea for u regarding necessity of understanding basic concepts. For Christianity is OPPOSED to Pharisaism, basis of Judaism, and the Pharisees brag about having killed Christ, never forget.


  1. I forgot to note for the audience: "Cesar Tort" is the guy at, featured third to last fm bottom "nationalists, Nazis, used by Jews to discredit Christianity," on right-hand column

  2. See also, , and
