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Friday, November 12, 2010

Good dialectic fm the

Nietzsche Is Really A Farce For Serious Philosophy, Ethics
(Apollonian, 11 Nov 10)

"Johnny": u're mode of debate is un-fair and really illegitimate (see below-copied, fm pretend I have to deal w. various details which u keep bringing up when I rather cover the pertinent principles. Christ simply tells us to act in accord w. proper respect w. God, reality, and truth ("love God, do justice"), hence human reason--which reason Nietzsche rejects in favor of Dionysius and "instinct."

So truth is Christ actually endorses reason and is consistent therewith; Nietzsche rejects reason--which effectively endorses INSANITY, nothing more nor less--which of course, u don't want to admit.

What Nietzsche then describes is "Judeo-Christianity"--NOT proper Christianity in accord w. the original text of New Test.

So I like what Nietzsche says when he denounces the "slave" morality, but that doesn't mean it's true and proper representation of the real Christianity, and u just need to face this about Christianity and Nietzsche who was a thoroughgoing IRRATIONALIST, which u want to over-look.

It's u who tries to ignore my thorough analysis, pretending I left things out--a gross false-hood on ur part. When Nietzsche rejects reason, he rejects integral, essential part of white culture, civilization, and mentality--it's u and other SUPERFICIAL Nietzsche-lovers who needs to face up to most pertinent facts.

Nietzsche was thus really and actually just an erratic irrationalist who does white people and their real culture no good: (a) he mis-represented the real Christianity, while (b) actually describing "Judeo-Christianity," as I note, for its putrid "slave-moralism," (c) all of this while he rejected major and most fundamental portion of true white/Western culture, that of REASON.

CONCLUSION: So it's really Jews who encourage white people to endorse the absurd Nietzsche, who was really rather a clownish fool, and his poisonous irrationalism, this under cover of rejecting Judeo-Christianity, mis-represented by Nietzsche as the real thing, the real Christianity. So "Johnny" u need to quite fooling urself--u don't fool me. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian
---------------above by Ap in response to below-copied-------------------

Yesterday 11:08 PM
Johnny Bravo
Originally Posted by apollonian
"I spoke truth about Nietzsche; if I didn't, u need to say how. Nietzsche did not understand Christianity for what it really is, etc.; rather he mis-construed it, though HE DID very well describe how it was actually practiced by most folks in his (and our) own day, Christianity being horribly dominated by Judaism. Nietzsche had great difficulty DISTINGUISHING btwn the two, Christianity and Judaism, rather conflating them together into one general thing, much as folks do in this day too, as I noted and asserted."
Freddy mostly opposed Xianity because it was created by people who descended from slaves or were themselves slaves. Slave morality, ressentiment, chandalla, "the meek shall enherit the earth."You didn't really address those issues.
Nietzsche also slams YHWH, the god who deprives the individual of subjectivity.
"And refutation is really very simple: neither Nietzsche nor anyone else could possibly show or prove "Christianity came fm Judaism," for Judaism is DEFINED as Talmudism which comes fm Pharisees, which Christ EXPLICITLY repudiates as at Gosp.s MARK 7:1-13 and MATT 15:3-9. Also see and for definitive expo on Talmudism."
Blood is thicker than water, apo. They were the descendants of slaves and developed a type of slave morality, seething with resentment. You pretty much admit it yourself:
"Remember Jews ARE NOT same as "Judeans," Jews by definition followers of Pharisees and Talmud. Only maybe 5-15% of Judeans were followers of Pharisees. The word, "Jew" is often mis-translated and confused w. Judeans, JUDEANS the real descendents of Israelites to whom were given law of Moses recorded in Old Test. (OT)."
"Nietzsche is full of it if and when he says Christ preached a philosophy of weakness; "think not I came to bring peace; rather, I come to bring a sword"--Gosp. MATT 10:34."
Well, meekness in the Biblical sense meant that one was subordinate to YHWH rather than to other people. Nietzsche OTOH was in favour of concepts such as individual independence, the prime impetus, creativity, etc. The blond beast.It's easy to see that this is diametrically opposed to a slave morality (e.g. of the Christian brand).

-------above was in response to below-copied-----------------

Christ Preached TRUTH Above All, First And Most
(Apollonian, 11 Nov 10)

Okay man of "nowheresville," finally u agree to play fair and at least try to presenting some substantiation for ur un-fair assertions as to my "sinning"--which I have not done in this instance, though I've sinned grievously in other areas, surely. See below-copied, fm

And refutation is really very simple: neither Nietzsche nor anyone else could possibly show or prove "Christianity came fm Judaism," for Judaism is DEFINED as Talmudism which comes fm Pharisees, which Christ EXPLICITLY repudiates as at Gosp.s MARK 7:1-13 and MATT 15:3-9.

What Christ did was to expound the law of Moses, simplifying it, reducing it, and re-stating it (as at Gosp.s MARK 12:29-31 and MATT 22:37-9, (a) love God, and (b) do justice)--NOT the Pharisees or their stinking Talmud, and Christ explicitly cursed the Pharisees (Gosp. MATT ch. 23) for LYING and falsifying Moses as they pretend their law comes fm God, hence Moses.

Remember Jews ARE NOT same as "Judeans," Jews by definition followers of Pharisees and Talmud. Only maybe 5-15% of Judeans were followers of Pharisees. The word, "Jew" is often mis-translated and confused w. Judeans, JUDEANS the real descendents of Israelites to whom were given law of Moses recorded in Old Test. (OT).

Pharisees, hence "Jews," were hereticalist off-shoots, whom Christ condemned, repudiated, and denounced--and that's why Pharisees, along w. Sadducees, thereupon murdered Christ, which execution Pharisees admit and acknowledge, even in their own Talmud.

Second, man of nowhere, aptly named, both u and Nietzsche TOTALLY mis-understand Christianity which, first and most, defends TRUTH, TRUTH, TRUTH, TRUTH--see Gosp. JOHN 14:6, 8:32, and 18:37, this against Pharisees, hence Jews, who are LIARS, "sons of their father, the devil, father of lies..." (Gosp. JOHN 8:44).

Nietzsche is full of it if and when he says Christ preached a philosophy of weakness; "think not I came to bring peace; rather, I come to bring a sword"--Gosp. MATT 10:34.

CONCLUSION: I'd merely say u're right if u say Nietzsche "clearly" STATED--but he DID NOT "clearly show" anything at all about Christ preaching in favor of weakness--that's just malarkey and balderdash. Christ was a Gallilean, descended fm Judeans, NOT Jews, and Paul explicitly and pointedly REJECTED Judaism/Pharisaism with greatest emphasis, never doubt. Thus I rest my case, man of nowhere. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

----------above by Ap in response to below-copied-------------

Today, 07:51 PM

Lizard King
Ok, I'll play.
Read what I have quoted by you and explain how you ALONE have a better understanding of Christianity than the people of Nietzsche's time, modern times, and the actual practice of the religion.
You shot down your own argument all by yourself....
"Have you read much Nietzsche?"
He clearly shows that Christianity came from Judaism and shows how BOTH religions are for the weak and suffer from the victim mentality of the untermensch.
"Please straighten out us all here and the whole world as to how Christianity did NOT come from Judaism even though Jesus was from Judea and Paul was a Jew........." -NowhereMan, Today 07:51 PM

* * * * *
----------above was in response to below-copied-------------

Nietzsche's Grasp Continues To Hold Sway Even Nowadays--Un-Fortunately
(Apollonian, 11 Nov 10)

"Nowhere": I find it interesting u accuse me of "acting the boss and make up rules." But I have to concede pt. u make about SI "discourse"--which I rather call DIALECTIC--but I guess they're close enough to same thing. Regardless "where" I am, I try to be rational in order to gain that precious info, which is what it's all about, don't forget. U say it's "funny" when I merely give u good, sound advice.

How can I even try to be "boss" when I have NO power?--"Yacub's Monster" is the boss as he has REAL power of banning if u don't do as he demands. "Rules" I invoke are same rules of reason and logic which I consider ought to be well-known and which u evidently consider a joke.

U JUST REPEAT that I "sinned" by "disrespecting" Nietzsche, which I say I didn't do at all, my merely critiquing him in fair manner. U don't say how I "dis-respected" and thus "sinned."

I spoke truth about Nietzsche; if I didn't, u need to say how. Nietzsche did not understand Christianity for what it really is, etc.; rather he mis-construed it, though HE DID very well describe how it was actually practiced by most folks in his (and our) own day, Christianity being horribly dominated by Judaism. Nietzsche had great difficulty DISTINGUISHING btwn the two, Christianity and Judaism, rather conflating them together into one general thing, much as folks do in this day too, as I noted and asserted.

Finally, the problem, I say again, is Nietzsche's powerful aestheticalist framing of Christianity and moralism is sooooooooooo tremendously dominating, that it continues to hold sway to this day, NOT HELPING the volk to understand the real situation, Jews dominating as they do, the true and original Christian aesthetic itself being so under-played and mis-understood still, partially again, due to Nietzsche's mis-characterization(s).

CONCLUSION: I don't say Nietzsche was "bad" or that he DELIBERATELY lied, or anything like that--I merely say what he did and how it affects things even still, in this day, people so taken by his gripping aestheticalist descriptions, etc.--these are not sinning, by any means. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian

-----------above by Ap in response to below-copied------------

Since when has SI forum discourse been rational?
Are you sure you know where you are?
I just love when people get on a forum and start acting the boss and make up rules!VERY FUNNY!!!!!
Now, I simply spoke the truth that disrespecting Nietzsche is a sin and you committed that very same sin.
Perhaps I should smaller words?
Are you a veteran?
Love unicorns?

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