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Friday, March 8, 2019

"Jew success"?--is success of criminal murderers within CYCLIC Western "Decline," descent into satanism....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Jew "Success": Perpetual War Within CYCLIC "Decline Of West," Descent Into Satanism
(Apollonian, 8 Mar 19)

Aaron: thou are just the latest Jewwy troll whom the troll-master for this site, Unz, has selectively, as always, introduced to his interesting web-site which features the truly notable innovation of "anti-Semitic" articles--but then w. very strange sort of comments pages w. so few serious anti-semites like myself, most of my entry-submissions, so far, being deleted and censored by typical, predictable Jew, Unz--and SOOO MANY trolls of various sorts (like "Obwandiyag," ho hoh oho), like thyself; thou are just another.

As always, thou Jews are liars, but thy sort of Jewwy lying is interesting, so breezy and up-beat--and so brainlessly moronic. Thou say,
"But there is no mystery as to why Jews are successful. Whites who are successful display the same traits. [Oh sure--the "whites" just suck-along, eh?--"success," ho ho ho.]

The formula for success is universal."
For there is no lasting "success," Jew; in the end we all lose and fail--we grow old, feeble, and DIE. Life sucks, for LIFE IS WAR, according to our greatest white-men and sages, Homer, Plato, St. Augustine, Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, and Darwin among so many others too, and at the end is inevitable death. And "success" then is generally connected w. warfare--"success" is success in warfare.

That success in war then sets-up subsequent empire of a favorable legal-system which benefits the victorious race--for a while--which all is a determinist, CYCLIC process, according to "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. And surely greatest, most poignant verification of my statements here is thy state of Israel, eh?--no better example of mass-murder by Jews for Jews, not to mention lying and propaganda--which prop. and lies have soooo brilliantly be-dazzled the very stupidest and over-populated, so-called "Christians," the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see and for expo) heretics among the "evangelicals."

But thou say thou are not "religious"?--no more than Unz, eh? But Jew, thy "religion" is no diff. fm that PHILOSOPHY of subjectivism which, for Jews, includes the "midrash" (interpretation) method and "Oral Law Tradition" of the Talmud, which Talmud itself is mere manual, along w. "Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion," of "successful" warfare against gentiles. See,, and for expo.

And there's "no mystery" how and why thou Jews are "successful" because thou prosecute thy Talmudic warfare soooo successfully as "Decline of the West" has now become nearly blatantly SATANIC--extreme subjectivism by which reality is held as product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism, by definition, including now Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE policy.

And as soooo many gentiles have become satanic (extreme subjectivism) in the present CYCLIC "decline" phase, thou Jews move among them w. ease, Jews most COLLECTIVIST, hence most organized, hence dominating and leading more numerous, but less-well organized gentile subjectivists/satanists.

Thus Western culture is dominated and ruled by a criminal-enterprise called "central-banking" (see for expo), literally legalized counterfeiting, which is run, headed, and prosecuted by Satanists and Jews, ESPECIALLY Jews, as Judaism IS Satanism (extreme subjectivism). And since fiat-currency is potentially INFINITE, thou Jews simply buy everyone and everything--this is thy Jewwy formula for "success," sucker, a thriving, continuing criminal enterprise and prosecution of Talmudic war against gentiles, just as the "Protocols...," describes.

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

# 271, AaronB says:
March 8, 2019 at 10:08 pm GMT • 100 Words

That’s a fair point. Ambition and success come at a steep psychological price.

You are perfectly in your rights to not wish to pay that price.

But there is no mystery as to why Jews are successful. Whites who are successful display the same traits.

The formula for success is universal.

The problem is that you cannot completely abandon ambition and striving for success, and hope to survive. You will be enslaved by others who are willing to pay the psychological price, as history shows.

So its better to man up, face the world as it is, and do what needs to be done.

Individuals who are tired of the game may go be hermits in the mountains, but a community that tires of the game is in danger in of becoming enslaved.

Those are just the facts of life, whether we like them or not.

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