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Thursday, March 28, 2019

Effrontery of kike, Unz, shown-up quite well as he runs Linh Dinh articles, ho ho ho ho....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Typical Effrontery Of Jew, Unz, Running Linh Dinh Articles
(Apollonian, 29 Mar 19)

Linh Dinh nails things pretty brilliantly; he only leaves off w. explicit philosophic analysis: Jews are subjectivists/Satanists, pushing self-serving lies (Gosp. JOHN 8:44), built upon their SUBJECTIVIST ("midrash") reality, following their "Oral Law Tradition," which "tradition" was fully written-out officially w. Babylonian Talmud, 500 AD, but which "tradition" was known by Christ and mentioned at several places in New Test., like Gosp. MARK, ch. 7, verses 3, 5, and 9. See also,, and for best expo.

Christ, on other hand, defended Mosaic law, against Pharisees, Christ being TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), directly and necessarily implying the OBJECTIVE (God-given) reality, basis and premise for such "truth."

Thus Jews hold there's no "truth" but WHAT THEY SAY, and to demonstrate their hatred and denial of objective reality and truth, Jews and Pharisees killed truth (= Christ), but which truth RESURRECTED, as truth does, it being founded upon objective reality which cannot be killed.

So the great cultural dichotomy is, as it is presently dramatized, the Jew (extreme) subjectivism, basis of lies, vs. the objective reality: Jews vs. rest of world, the world grown stale and hubristic in Spenglerian "Decline of the West," rest of the world led necessarily by Christianity which WORSHIPS truth (= Christ) and the objective view--why Jews so absolutely HATE Christianity, Christ, and Christians--just ask the kike whore, Sarah Silverman.

Note then if one denies or is ignorant of objective reality, then "hypnosis" of some sort is the only alternative, and Jews, being foremost Satanists, Satanism being extreme subjectivism (hence "midrash"--interpretation), holding reality is mere product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism, by definition-- manipulate by means of FEAR and intimidation--"hypnosis" (for people don't want to admit they're such cowards, so ignorant).

Jews then dominate Satanism, subjectivists and Satanists among goyim, as Jews practice a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism, most effective, successful "group-think," Jews most dedicated, committed, and organized, by which then they naturally dominate and rule gentile Satanists/subjectivists who are relatively isolated fm one another, typically more "individualist."

All Satanists/subjectivists together then, Jew and gentile, combine thus to intimidate and terrorize the more isolated, confused, dis-united (and now over-populated) gentiles, exactly as described in "Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion," which Jews squeal is "forgery," but still perfectly depicts the reality--just look, listen, and see.

Jew, Ron Unz, then is PERFECT EXAMPLE of this Jew practice and exercise, pretending he's not "religious" (like all the Jew liars and subjectivists) but perfectly practicing philosophy of subjectivism and loyalty to religious Jews who overtly hate Christ (= truth), Christians, and Christianity.

"Religion" then is demonstrated as just larger vehicle for such satanic philosophy, which Unz practices perfectly, esp. by means of his website, "Unz Review," which features ostensibly "anti-Semitic" articles, but which are now made subject to typical Jewwy "pilpul" casuistry, as we see so consistently, plainly, and regularly, w. all the myriad Jew trolls and liars Unz features and welcomes as he carefully and thoroughly CENSORS and deletes forthright Christians, "anti-semites," and any others defending the objective view.

Thus, there's NO serious, genuine anti-Semitism (anti-Satanism) or Christian view (Christians necessarily leaders of humanity against Jews/Satanists) tolerated on Unz Review, ALWAYS the gentiles and non-semites required to pretend there are "good" Jews (a), (b) that "Jews are like anyone else," and (c) "one can't judge all Jews by just one or a few." Thus Unz strives by means of this constant, consistent CENSORSHIP to induce that very "hypnosis" upon the poor, stupid gentiles who ARE allowed to comment and appear in the comments section, targets then for Unz's favored Jewwy trolls who are legion and eager to practice their "pilpul" casuistry and lying.

Clever and insidious, isn't it?--that Jew, Unz, runs this sort of "hypnotic" scam by means of his site, pretending he's for "free speech" and against censorship, etc., while practicing very intensive, consistent, even ferocious sort (MOST of my Christian entries being deleted and censored)--his real purpose being actually to running a "pilpul" (casuistic) training and exercise camp, as it were, for fellow Jews and subjectivists. Is it any wonder Jews are so hated and despised?

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