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Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Ajax Jewns?--is anti-Christ satanist, never doubt, sucks-up to Jews, etc....

Below-copied by ap submitted, but CENSORED/deleted by kike, Unz, at comments,

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Ajax Jewns ( Is Gross Traitor To Christianity, Don't Doubt
(Apollonian, 13 Mar 19)

"Folly": buddy, thou needs getting a major clue about things, eh? Christianity is PHILOSOPHY at the core, Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), implying the OBJECTIVE reality, necessary basis of any "truth." For Jews, just ck JOHN 8:44. Also ck,, and for expo on Judaism/Talmudism featuring "Oral Law Tradition" and "MIDRASH" (interpretation).

Jews are extreme subjectivists, hence Satanists (holding reality is mere product of mind/consciousness, making subject to be God, the creator--Satanism by definition). Jews then practice a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism and most effective "group-think," most dedicated, committed, and organized, allowing them to dominate, lead, and rule the more isolated, un-organized gentile subjectivists/Satanists who yet out-number them; together then, under Jew leadership, they intimidate the rest of the population in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

So if God the Father is creator of reality, then truth (= Christ) MUST be the "logos," the sign thereof. "Several billion people" are not "left out" so long as they pursue TRUTH (= Christ). And given that objective reality, note all Christian ethics, most popular and respected thing about Christianity by people the world over, follows naturally, logically.

Regarding Ajax Jewns (, note he's GROSS suck-up, suck-along to Jews and Israel, and lately, Israel-first Trump--notoriously so, known for many yrs now. Jewns made big-deal sucking up to Jews in his famous debate w. David Duke which vid thereof used to be on Jew-tube, might still be.

As long as thou makes use of honest reason thou are partaking of Holy Spirit by which to apprehend truth (= Christ), so thou are covered.

Christians are NOT losing--for remember, hist. is CYCLIC, and given the great success of Christianity through middle ages, leading to Renaissance, they became over-populated w. too many, excess goons, suckers, scum, TV-addicts, weaklings, and inferiors who are now in process of being killed-off, and falling by proverbial "way-side." Jews are like a disease. Note Jews actually seem to be falling-out w. one-another in way of the atheist-leftist-globalists having been surprised and blind-sided by Trump who was run by the "neo-cons" allied w. the Judeo-Christian (JCs--see and for expo) heretics, like Jewns.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

# 60, follyofwar says:
March 13, 2019 at 3:37 pm GMT • 200 Words

I love listening to Jones on his many YouTube interviews. He is certainly in demand, seems to have a large following, and is a hero of sorts to the Dissident Right. How long, I wonder, until he is banned by the Jewish oligarchs?

However, I have a problem with his oft-stated concept of ‘logos,” which he mentions in nearly every interview I’ve watched. He uses it as a cudgel against Jews for their rejection of Christ as the savior. By dismissing Christ, he sees them as “revolutionaries” (“The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit”), for they have rejected the “order of the universe.” But would that also apply to all, myself included, who do not recognize Christ as the Son of God? It would seem so, which would leave out several billion people, I’m assuming, from the hope of eternal life.

Perhaps Christians, who are losing in spite of their large numbers, need a dose of that Jewish Revolutionary Spirit. As was sung nearly every week in the Methodist church of my youth:
“Onward Christian Soldiers Marching as to War With the Cross of Jesus Going on Before!”

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