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Saturday, December 22, 2018

People, historians need to re-orientate: WWII was mere piece, part 2, to WWI, onset of Jew World Order (JWO)....

Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments,

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Jew World Order Consistently Rampaging Since 1914
(Apollonian, 22 Dec 18)

Comrade: u're so TOTALLY, utterly deluded regarding overall strategy. Germans NEVER had a chance. Don't forget Germans LOST WWI and were deliberately crippled FOREVER right then and there, confirmed by Versailles Treaty.

Dear unc' Adolf attacked USSR as pure DEFENSIVE, last-gasp measure. "Allies," instigated by Jew S A, attacked and declared war on Germany in 1939, after UK (Brits) made offensive alliance w. Poland in Mar 1939--GET A CLUE. Poland had threatened Germany w. war if Germans didn't let Poland have Danzig--GET A FRICKIN' CLUE.

Everything Germany and Hitler did was in way of a desperate DEFENSE fm the very beginning in 1939--and this defense is HOW u know holohoax was/is such a moronic lie.

And Jew S A Lend-Lease was absolutely crucial and instrumental, part of the plan fm very beginnings, without which such Lend-Lease USSR was doomed.

Thus WWI was for world dictatorship of Jew-dominated Jew S A, UK, and France; the USSR was model and template. WWII then was the clinching moment by which Jew world order was established forcefully, definitively; everything since then has been CONSOLIDATION--they're still at it, even brazenly having announced Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE (population-reduction).

U need to re-orient ur entire mentality and grasp of world history and events, buddy.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------

Krollchem says:
December 20, 2018 at 10:28 pm GMT • 200 Words

Here is an article that points to Germany being defeated prior to the US entering the war:

“Historian Dr. Jacques Pauwels analyses the evolution of World War II, focusing on the “Battle of Moscow” in December 1941 which preceded the defeat of German troops in Stalingrad in February 1943. According to Dr. Pauwels, the turning point was not Stalingrad but “the Battle of Moscow” and
the Soviet counter-offensive launched in December 1941:

When the Red Army launched its devastating counteroffensive on December 5, Hitler himself realized that he would lose the war. But of course he was not prepared to let the German public know that. The nasty tidings from the front near Moscow were presented to the public as a temporary setback, blamed on the supposedly unexpectedly early arrival of winter and/or on the incompetence or cowardice of certain commanders.

It was only a good year later, after the catastrophic defeat in the Battle of Stalingrad during the winter of 1942-1943, that the German public, and the entire world, would realize that Germany was doomed; this is why even today many historians believe that the tide turned in Stalingrad .”

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