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Wednesday, December 5, 2018

"Lenny Pozner" has now made himself subject, issue, all his own, even apart fm Sandy hoax itself....

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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December 5, 2018 at 1:28 am

Newsflash: "Pozner" Has Now Made Himself Legitimate Object Of Legal Inquiry, Don't Doubt
(Apollonian, 5 Dec 18)

Well Fetzer, surely u can understand how all humans of rational mind can easily sympathize w. u for ur persecution and harassment at hands of this criminal monster, known as "Pozner," as we all now witness the criminal abuse of the legal system to attack and attempt to injuring a citizen, among other citizens too (like Wolfgang), who've done nothing wrong, indeed, has only done excellently for un-covering pertinent and most informative facts on the Sandy hoax case which was psy-ops intended to terrorize and deprive citizens of rights, etc.

And surely now u see the horrific and satanic effects of that criminal enterprise known as "central-banking" which provides the funds/funding for this legal abuse and assault upon u personally and all the citizens, including Wolfgang Halbig and even Ajax Jewns ( Thus the criminals and satanists make use of legalistically counterfeited funds (literally) to paying lawyers filing these abusive law-suits which now cause u to have to paying for lawyers, etc., the obvious object, if nothing else, being to exhaust u of ur funds which u're not allowed to simply create by means of printing or digitalizing through computer keystrokes--it's also frustrating and demoralizing for the citizens.

Problem of course is in persuading judges and juries which is practically impossible due to the ABSTRACT nature of money and banking, what money is (distinct fm mere "currency"), and why it has to be that way.

BUT there is a clear way for explaining and exposing the facts regarding the necessary (and illegitimate) MONOPOLY nature of the central-bank which gives the criminals the upper-hand and overwhelming advantages for bribing politicians, lawyers, and judges, controlling the "Jews-media" and edjumacation system, and thus to brain-washing and confusing the people in all the various ways.

Don't forget, the central bank is the MOST POWERFUL monopoly there is or COULD BE within the human imagination, creating a MIDAS-like power for humans in the creation of credit and currency (not real money--which would otherwise require alchemistic methods)--making these mortal humans into practical GODS w. nearly miraculous power for creation of nearly infinite funds. Thus we see created the Big Pharma monopoly (or cartel-system/complex), aside fm the "Jews-media" monopoly, and recently, we've all been alerted to the power of big-"Tech," originally seeded w. tax-payers funds, for the control and treatment of communications among the people--actually very closely co-operating w. the traditional "Jews-media."

So in consideration of these simple, afore-mentioned facts as I note above, u should consider counter-filing a class-action suit against "Pozner" and his cohorts, as these lawyers of his have to have provided their names, u demonstrating for the court as is easily done, Pozner's by now well-known, tried and tested tactics of harassment and abuse against ur straight-forward honesty and substantial competence in presenting the truth and verifiable facts and information relevant to this Sandy hoax case. For "Pozner" is un-questionably perpetrating a veritable FRAUD upon the court, not to mention the people of the United States.

For example, u've ALREADY debunked and exposed Pozner's fraud regarding the death certificate for his fictional son, "Noah"--u've actually done more than enough as ur share for the full exposition of the Sandy hoax which it is Pozner's obligation to PROVE and demonstrate, in all truth. Pozner has by now made himself extremely vulnerable.

I suspect that if u merely gathered ur thoughts and knowledge of the details for this outrageous case of legal abuse on part of "Pozner," even if only for a few moments, u and competent legal counsel could construct a solid argument which would hold up quite well in court regarding Pozner's actual legal STANDING for these outrageous frauds he's ALREADY perpetrated, including for example, the harassment of that excellent lady ("Kelly," I believe is her name) fm he mid-West, who ran a maid-svc business, and had numerous conversations w. Pozner, who told Pozner to his face (over the phone) she didn't believe him, etc.

For we really are now at the pt. where "Pozner" has made himself AN ISSUE ALL ITS OWN, quite apart fm the Sandy hoax itself, having harassed, threatened, and intimidated so many people, u, Ajax Jewns (, James Tracy, Wolfgang, and others too--he's caused real, palpable, and legally demonstrable, substantial "emotional distress" for so many.

By all means u should think over these items I've brought-up herein--what right does "Pozner" have to causing such abuse, harassment, and distress against the people, including urself, who've done such excellent and honest work for the truth and proper information of the citizens?--why shouldn't the actual and pertinent facts regarding specifically now this "Pozner" be brought out and forward for the consideration of a candid public?

Take good care, and be sure to keep-up ur outstanding good work. I suspect u basically have already won for all the smashing excellent facts we presently know because of u; we only now need to take advantage of Pozner's gross chutzpah and hubris and make use of his making himself a living, breathing element of this large fraud and hoax which "Pozner" attempts to putting over the great and good people of the United States and world, not to mention urself and other heroes, like Wolfgang, James Tracy, et al.


December 5, 2018 at 2:02 am

"Pozner" Cries Out For Investigation, At Least
(Apollonian, 5 Dec 18)

Ah, I just now read-over the previous blog u posted w. excellent material and exposition by Alison Maynard--this is just ANOTHER perfect example of the legal fraud upon the court, harassment, and abuse I noted on part of "Pozner." For WHY did Pozner not appear for his deposition?--esp. if his lies about harassment, etc., were true? Further, note Wolfgang was required to go to considerable expense and effort to defend himself--why shouldn't his expenses have been paid by Pozner? Note these are very substantial and serious considerations and hence arguments to be laid before a court--u'd only need competent counsel. Pozner seriously needs to be investigated at the very least. Pozner has made himself genuine, substantial element of this large fraud known as Sandy hoax, and he would now seem to be extremely vulnerable.

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